3 Last Minute Birthday Ideas For Your Colleagues So You Won’t Look Bad

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Being a good office manager, or even an awesome colleague for that matter, can be difficult, especially when it comes to remembering and celebrating your co-workers’ birthdays.

You might have invested in a sturdy planner, may have sticked colourful post-it notes all over your desk and filled your phone’s calendar with birthday dates, but there will still be times when your co-workers’ birthdays simply slip off your minds until you get the Facebook notification on the actual day itself.  And well, it can be quite awkward and more so if you are working closely with the birthday star.

To help you achieve “colleague of the the year” status, we’ve come up with 3 simple tricks should you ever find yourself in need of a last minute colleague birthday fix.


1. Order the Birthday Cake Online!


Birthday Cakes definitely make for a  a great birthday treat at the office. But whether it’s because you are working at some ulu part of Singapore, or have back to back meetings the whole day, sometimes heading out to get a birthday cake can be impossible. So it helps tremendously if you have a list of bakeries that can deliver right to your office in 2 to 3 hours. Thankfully, you can order from most of these bakeries online as well! We’ve sourced out 3 of our office’s favourite bakeries that deliver.


Les Patisseries

Image: Brownie Cheesecake, by Les Patisseries

Fancy some french desserts to celebrate your colleagues’ birthday? Les Patisseries apply their modern French baking techniques to create the most unforgettable cakes. Most of their ingredients are sourced from France so the authenticity is definitely ‘up there’. Bon appetit!

Click here to check out more French goodies from Les Patisseries !



Image: Mini Choux Platter, by Ollella

If cakes have become too mainstream and you are looking to switch things around. Choux pastries are a great substitute to traditional cakes. Their bite sizes also make them extremely convenient to serve and eat! Choux from Ollella are made with innovative flavours and forms which will a wonderful delight for everyone at the office.

Click here to get Ollella’s beautiful Choux pastries for your colleagues !


Durian Mpire

Image: Punkhead Mini Cakes, by Durian Mpire

As long as you order three hours in advance, you can savour this durian goodness (and celebrate your colleague’s birthday) on the day itself! We personally love the Punkhead mini cakes for their intricate design and easy to serve sizes.

To check out Durian Mpire’s various cute halal durian creations, click here!

2. Get Someone to Run the Birthday Errands for You


There is a slew of mobile apps now that offer to make our lives so much easier. Thanks to them, we can run most of our errands without literally physically running anymore. If it is a female colleague who is celebrating her birthday, surprise her with a beautiful bouquet from A Better Florist that offers same-day delivery! You can even send someone to help you prepare a present and deliver it straight to location through the Laborme App.


3. Give the gift of a personal touch


If all else fails, handwritten cards will never go out of style. Make it a point to keep a few adorable cards in your bags and offices so that you can whip one out and leave a personal message wherever you are. Easy, affordable and adorable, without the lack of sincerity.

So there you go, some little quick fixes that will help you celebrate the birthdays of those in your work family. Sire, Work may be overwhelming at times and I am sure our colleagues will be able to understand but let’s not use that as an excuse to not go an extra mile for the fellow colleagues that are working hard side by side with us!

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Top Image: Shutterstock / Everything