33-Year-Old Man Almost Went Blind After Eating Dabao-ed Food & Drinking Soft Drinks Every Day


Do you eat out or buy food back home to eat every day?

And do you guzzle soft drinks as though they’re water?

Because if you do, you might want to stop doing that now.

Or you might just end up like this 33-year-old man from Wuhan, Hubei.

Man Always Dabao Food & Drink Soft Drinks

Lu is a 33-year-old man who’s single and too lazy to cook for himself.

So every day, he will eat out or pack food back to eat. He also didn’t like to drink plain water as well, always opting for sweet drinks that are tastier.

Unfortunately for him, both aren’t exactly the healthiest options around.

For the past month, he realised that dark shadows would appear in his vision.

Thinking that it could be tiredness that caused it, he made himself rest more.

However, when he realised that the issue with his vision continued, he decided to go for a check-up.

A Shocking Revelation

So he turned up at the doctor’s, ready to go through with the check-up.

What he wasn’t ready for, however, was what the doctor found.

Image: strengthsensei.com

Or more specifically, diabetic retinopathy. This condition is a diabetes complication that damages the blood vessels of the retina.

Left untreated, it could lead to blindness.

Lu’s blood sugar levels were found to be at 17.2 mmol/L before meals.

And it seems…


He Has Diabetes For A Couple Of Years Now

The doctor found that Lu has diabetes for at least four to five years.

And the reason why his condition has deteriorated is that he didn’t take any medication, nor did he make any changes to his lifestyle.

The doctor also attributed his condition to his habits of eating out and drinking soft drinks.

Currently, he is at the hospital undergoing treatment.

Moral of the Story

Don’t eat out all the time. They are convenient and tastes good, which means a lot of sugar, salt and oil go into it to make them taste better.


Plus, diabetes is a real disease and even Singapore is fighting in the war against sugar.

But most importantly, go for regular check-ups, especially if you hit the big three.

It’s always better to know early than to deal with the consequences of a chronic disease that could’ve been treated if discovered earlier.