38YO Woman in Hong Kong Who Abused Boyfriend Claimed She Was Upset with Their Sex Life

Abusive males may tend to be more prevalent in media reports…

But it appears that abusive females are not as non-existent as we thought, and that when push comes to shove…

They’re just as, if not more, terrifying.

38YO Woman in Hong Kong Who Abused Boyfriend Gets Prison Term

According to SCMP, a Hong Kong woman has been issued a jail term of three years and five months, after she was found guilty of abusing her boyfriend on multiple occasions.

Apparently, between the period of May to August 2018, Mai Kai Qing had hit her then 30-year-old boyfriend with a metal stool, scalded his penis and picked at the blisters that formed.

She also dumped boiling hot water onto his thighs, assaulted him with a pair of scissors and pressed chili oil onto his wounds.

The man was subsequently found to have “second-degree scalding with ruptured blisters” on his sex organ and thighs, and suffered from scalp swelling and cuts across his entire being.

Reason Behind The Assault

According to SCMP, the reason for the assault was attributed to Mak’s annoyance over her supposed contribution to his property purchase, which seems to have come under scrutiny.

But it appears that her pent-up frustration may have also spawned because of other reasons.

According to another report by Taiwan Apple Daily, Mai revealed in court that she had “never been satisfied” by her boyfriend’s prowess in the bedroom.

Apparently, her boyfriend would “become soft after a few seconds, or at longest, only a few minutes” whenever he utilised a condom.

His inability to keep it standing is believed to have upset Mai, which also led to him getting distressed.

Nevertheless, she professed to “love him a lot”, adding: “If he can’t do it, then he can’t do it.”

Image: dimsumdaily.hk


As a result of the attacks, the man was ascertained by a psychiatrist to be suffering from partially remitted post-traumatic stress disorder – evident from the bouts of anxiety and insomnia he has faced post-assault.

Even in court, he reportedly cried several times as he recounted details of the attacks, and had to testify behind a screen.

Apparently, the abuse only came to light when he confided in his aunt in late August. A police report was then made on 30 August 2018.

Meanwhile, Mak has not shown any signs of remorse, and had insisted on her innocence even after the verdict was given.

According to SCMP, she claimed that her boyfriend had hurt himself, and that the only offence she was guilty of was not preventing him from self-harm.

Suicidal Thoughts

After the incident was publicised, Mak is believed to have been affected by media reports, and had reportedly planned to commit suicide in late-2019.

She has also committed self-harm on two separate occasions.

Even so, medical personnel in charge did not believe that she was suffering from any psychiatric disorders.

In court, letters from Mak’s parents, ex-colleagues and another previous boyfriend showed her to be a caring girlfriend and a kind person.

However, the descriptions did not serve to allay Deputy District Judge June Cheung Tin-ngan’s suspicions.

“The various ways in which Mr X was assaulted exhibited insults and no mercy at all from the defendant,” Cheung said. “Obviously, the defendant lacks reflection of her violent character and behaviour … and has not shown a shred of remorse.”

According to SCMP, she was previously convicted of attacking her domestic helper – an act which earned her a HK$5,000 (SGD$872) fine in July 2013.

Previous Instance

And it appears that Mak’s case is not the first.

Back in April 2018, Jordan Worth was sentenced to seven and a half years in prison for abusing her boyfriend Alex Skeel.

According to Mirrorshe had poured boiling water over Skeel, and used actual knives and a hammer to torment him.

She also kept food away from him, causing his weight to fall drastically.

Apparently, she was known as a kind mother prior to the conviction, and was a popular aspiring teacher who loved animals and raised funds for children in Africa.

The ordeal was subsequently made into a BBC documentary called Abused By My Girlfriend.