There is nothing us Singaporeans love more than food trends.
Except maybe food trends that stick around and become one of us.
But I think we all can admit that when it comes to food trends, a lot of them die off as quickly as they come. Some take a little bit longer to die off, sure, but it really does seem that eventually, most food trends just become quite…irrelevant and outdated.
And I won’t lie, I’m honestly quite glad to see some of these food trends go!
So here we are, five food trends that seem to have died off in 2018.
When I say die off, I mean that I don’t see many people posting on Instagram about these food items anymore…not in Singapore at least.
For better or worse, all the unicorn and mermaid themed food seems to have taken a major backseat this year.
It seems that it was just yesterday that I couldn’t scroll through my Instagram feed every day without seeing at least 5 people who went to cafes and gotten the most glittery, sprinkly, and sickeningly pink item on the menu.
And I’m sorry, but I can’t lie…I’m really glad to see this one go.
I never really got on board the whole mermaid/unicorn themed food, tbh.
I mean…I think we can all agree that some people took this trend way too far! Anyone remember those massive, extra AF unicorn/mermaid loaded milkshakes?
2. Lava Cake
Hey, do you remember that time when it was a huge deal to take a boomerang of cutting through lava cakes?
And posting it on Instagram?
I do, too. It seemed that everyone went to get lava cakes just for that ‘gram. There really was something so hypnotising about having melted chocolate just ooze out everywhere…
But it seems that in 2018, lava cakes don’t seem to be as popular. I don’t really see anyone posting any Instagram pics or even stories about lava cakes, or cutting through one.
Bit of a shame, though, considering that they taste really awesome when done right.
In any case, it seems that lava cakes just aren’t all that trendy anymore!
3. Waffles and Ice Cream
This was a huge thing, if you remember.
It seemed as though everyone was obsessing over getting the best waffles and ice cream at one point, and even me, miss-food-trend-hater, was very happy to jump on board this one.
And cafes were loving it!
All trying to outdo each other with the most innovative, creative flavours of waffles and ice cream.
Seriously though, fluffy waffles slathered in ice cream? Haha count me in and sign me up!
But it seems as though this is now not as popular this year. Not many people seem to be talking about fancy flavoured waffles and ice cream anymore, or even posting about it on the ‘gram as much as before.
Even I have resorted to eating the awesome $1.90 Pandan waffles with chocolate from Prima Deli.
Anyone remember them?Â
4. Rainbow Cake
Oh man, do I remember this trend.
Y’all remember the whole rainbow cake thing? If you weren’t eating it, you were trying to make it. Or watch other people make it.
This was huge…I remember I couldn’t walk into a bakery without seeing at least one rainbow cake in there.
And I think it’s safe to say that after it’s moderate stint in Singapore, rainbow cakes are ready to leave the trendy scene.
I think they’ve made quite the slow (but steady) exit from the foodie scene, and I can finally walk into bakeries again without having rainbow cake in my face…
Most of us are ready to agree that they are quite outdated and overdone (not to mention overrated) at this point.
Dear rainbow cakes, goodbye, and please don’t resurface anytime soon.
5. Acai Bowls
This is another trend I jumped on (and still love), despite the humungous hole it burnt in my pocket.
Because scratch just Acai bowls…Acai everything was a huge trend on the Singapore food scene when it arrived.
Smoothies, shakes, ice cream, sorbet and the infamous bowls of course!
Everyone on a ‘health kick’ got this and ‘grammed it.
Didn’t even matter if you were on a health kick, actually, cuz consuming anything Acai automatically made you feel like a health god.
At least that’s how I felt. Even though those Acai bowls and shakes came with a huge amount of calories…
But now, it seems that this food trend is not huge anymore. No one really ‘grams anything Acai anymore (unless of course, if it’s homemade).
And if you do go get Acai bowls or shakes, you do it on the go. Or just as a semi-casual type of dessert to grab with the girls. Nothing to get overly hyped about!
So there you go, 5 food trends that we can say have died in 2018! Can you think of any other? Leave a comment telling us what food trend you think has died, or has to die by 2019!
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