5 hilarious Korean variety shows worth a watch other than Running Man


Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:34 pm

Oh god. If you have only been watching Running Man, you have missed out on life. Yes, we all know about the hype regarding Running Man but trust us, there is so much more to Korean variety shows other than the Running Man.

Here are the 5 hilarious korean viariety shows that you die die must watch.

Return of Superman

Image: dramafever.com
Image: dramafever.com

You got to be kidding me if you haven’t heard of this show at least. The legendary triplets, yes, when we say legendary, we mean legendary. They are probably the most famous triplets in the world. At a tender age of 5, they are probably earning more than us due to the endorsements they are doing as a result of their popularity. And if you love kids, you got to watch this show. ( The triplets have already left the show, but the other children are as equally cute!)

Strong Heart

Image: viki.com
Image: viki.com

This is the place where artists reveal their weaknesses or their greatest fears in life. And yes, as the name suggests, it revealthe inner strength of the artist and allows the fans to have a better understanding of their celebrities’ past. And you’ll actually realise that Lee Seunggi has fallen in love with Yoona back even before they were friends.

We got Married

Image: couch-kimchi.com
Image: couch-kimchi.com

This is probably one of the most famous shows in the Korean variety show history. It went viral and even China is mimicking the concept. Watch how the team pairs up different artistes and get them to behave like a married couple. And often, you’ll be wondering if the “couple” is doing it for the show or if they’re truly in love.

Family Outing

Image: hancinema.net
Image: hancinema.net

It’s just so hilarious because every single artist is just so funny and witty. Basically, the different hosts will live together like a “family” and will perform multiple tasks. Their grumbles and conversations are just so funny that you cannot stop laughing.

Happy together

Image: viki.com
Image: viki.com

Any show with Yoo Jaesuk is just funny, agreed? Happy together features A list artists who are either promoting their latest albums or dramas. Watch how the hosts sabotage the artists and force the artists to reveal the darkest secrets about each other.