5 S’pore News That You Should Know About That Were Reported Yesterday (5 February 2020)

Let’s face it: in this social media world, exciting and viral news like a cat feeding a baby bear would often appear in your Facebook news feed, while important news like the GDP growth of Singapore this year wouldn’t get the same reach.

It’s understandable since social media platforms would prioritise engaging and viral contents to keep users in their platform.

In order to ensure that you’d still know about important news instead just social news, below are the top five Singapore news that was reported yesterday which you should know, simplified for you in a bite-sized format:

4 More Confirmed Wuhan Virus Cases in Singapore

Yesterday, MOH announced four more confirmed Wuhan virus cases in Singapore.

Three of them are related to the cluster of local transmissions in the shop Yong Thai Hang while one of them is an imported case from Wuhan.

This brings the total number of cases to be at 28.

For more info, tap here.

COE Prices Have a Sharp Drop Due to Wuhan Virus

It turns out that the economic effects of the Wuhan virus has already hit us.

COE prices for all categories dropped in yesterday’s bidding, with the sharpest drop being Cat B (bigger cars), which closes at $30,890. That is about $7,000 less than the previous bidding.

According to motor industry watchers, the prices will continue to drop.

For more info, tap here.

Singapore Government Lists Down SOP When a Wuhan Virus Suspect is Found

With people getting more fearful of the virus after local transmission were announced, the Government has published an article to show us what the authorities would do once a suspect case is found.

According to the article, the suspect would be transported to hospitals and isolated immediately, though many cases would turn out to be other mild diseases like the common flu.

Medical staff would still play it safe by putting on personal protective gears when dealing with the suspect case.

For more info, tap here.

Shops in Chinatown Advised to Step Up Cleaning Efforts

With many Chinese tourists in the area before they were barred from landing on Singapore, shops in Chinatown were advised to step up their cleaning efforts after a Chinese tour group infected three Singapore residents.

The advice was already made prior to the first domestic transmission but it becomes more urgent now.

For more info, tap here.

Singapore Contributing $1 Million to Groups in China to Fight Wuhan Virus

With the Wuhan virus now claiming almost 500 lives, there’s now a sense of urgency to contain the virus, not just locally but globally.

Singapore is now offering seed funding of $1 million to groups in China to fight the Wuhan virus.

Other than that, Singapore will also be giving diagnostic test kits for the coronavirus that can be used in laboratories.

For more info, tap here.

Do come back tomorrow to the Goody Feed app so you’ll always stay informed!