5 Real Reasons Why S’poreans Want a Car Even Though It’ll Get Us Into Debt

Last Updated on 2022-08-07 , 2:53 pm

Amidst all the big cities in the world, Singapore still stays as one of the most expensive city, be it living here or even owning a car.

Many deem cars as a necessity, and we have already analysed all the reasons to not own one in this crazily expensive country but there are still others who think they NEED a car, or simply want one even if they have to struggle with debts, loans and long hours of work.

They don’t mind even if it’s not worth it, they don’t care even if the COE gets even more ridiculous and they just don’t want to take the public transport.

You can watch this video to understand why cars Singapore cost so much:

Here are 5 reasons why Singaporeans want a car badly despite whatever you say.

We can be materialistic

Humans all tend to get a little materialistic at some points in their lives – even if you don’t wish to admit it. We tend to build this connection between owning things and being successful, and many have turned to satisfy their desires of owning expensive things over the long hours they put in at work.

Because they believe they want it, and can achieve it. It all boils down to one word: deserving. Not that we’re saying you don’t deserve a comfortable life, but buying and owning all the things in the world doesn’t equate to happiness.

But I guess, owning things give some the motivation to work. Which is sad, by the way.

We think that we won’t save that money either way

Some Singaporeans assume that they won’t save that money either way, even if they don’t get a car. Because, spending rules. We have to admit we are poor at saving.

We like to think we are one step higher than people who don’t own one

This happens. We aren’t as humble as we should be – when we’re doing a tad better than others, we see ourselves surpassing our peers. Sometimes we Singaporeans play the status game too much and it only suffocates us. You might be envying your buddies who own a bigger house and a car, but really, they owned it along with debts.

So remember when you’re comparing such stuff, you’re actually just comparing liabilities. So who wins now?

We can show it off to people

You know how it works, don’t you? Living in a city like Singapore. Your showing off might not be a dramatic flashy thing like in the TV dramas, but can be as subtle as whining to your non-car friends how expensive that “carpark at MBS” cost. Like, we get it. You drive. Again, it’s the status thing.

We complain too much about public transport

With all the many feedbacks and complaints about public transport, Singaporeans have developed the mindset that taking public transport is too much of a hassle. Many feel that it’s not as convenient as they portray themselves to be, it’s not as cheap as you’d think it is, and it got so bad some even feel that they’ll rather take the cab or just own a car.

But of course, there are some legit reasons for some people who own a car, but it’s just a matter of knowing whether the “reason” is just one of the excuses listed above.

Because let’s face it: no one would openly say that they buy a car to show off.