5 S’pore News That You Should Know About That Were Reported Yesterday (28 November 2019)

Let’s face it: in this social media world, exciting and viral news like a cat feeding a baby bear would often appear in your Facebook news feed, while important news like the GDP growth of Singapore this year wouldn’t get the same reach.

It’s understandable since social media platforms would prioritise engaging and viral content to keep users in their platform.

In order to ensure that you’d still know about important news instead just social news, below are the top five Singapore news that was reported yesterday which you should know, simplified for you in a bite-sized format:

Employment Rate Increases To 80.8% But Income Growth Slows

According to an advanced labour force report, the resident employment rate for those aged 25 to 64 has increased from 80.3% in June 2018 to 80.8% in June 2019.

The Ministry of Manpower also mentioned that while that has been an increase in income over the past year, this growth has been noted to be much slower than previous years.

They have also found that the resident employment rate for those above the age of 65 has increased from 26.8% in June 2018 to 27.6% in June 2019.

For more info, tap here.

More Support Given To PMETs & Businesses In Manufacturing Industry

Manufacturers will have additional support for when they want to hire more staff to help with their business transformation. Workers who want to enter the manufacturing industry will also receive support in transitioning over.

An additional 1,000 places have been opened up to allow for professionals, managers, executives, and technicians (PMET) to go for professional conversion programmes over a period of three years.

The programmes are said to equip these workers with the necessary skills to take on jobs in roles such as operations management, quality assurance, and project management.

For more info, tap here.

NEA Warns Of Dengue Fever Cases Reaching Year-End High

NEA has warned of the increase in dengue fever cases during this end of the year after examining the trend over the past few years.

They advised families who will be travelling during this period to ensure that their homes are protected from mosquitoes.

This caution comes from the number of dengue fever cases being five times more than last year’s. From the beginning of the year until last Saturday, 23 November, there has been a total of 14,658 cases.

For more info, tap here.

Minibus Driver & Passenger Taken To Hospital After Bukit Batok West Avenue 5 5-Vehicle Accident 

An accident occurred between five vehicles along Bukit Batok West Avenue 5 towards Brickland Road. The police responded to a call for help at 7.41am.

Pictures released showed that the front of a white car is slightly squashed underneath the back wheels of a lorry. A minibus is parked right behind the white car.

There were two people who were injured in the accident, a 57-year-old minibus driver and his 61-year-passenger. They were later brought to Ng Teng Fong Hospital conscious.

For more info, tap here.

From Jan To Oct, CPF Members Contributed $1.6 Billion To Retirement Fund

According to the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board, more Singaporeans are adding more to their CPF retirement funds.

Between January and October, there was a total contribution of $1.6 billion to the Retirement Sum Topping-Up Scheme. This was an increase from the $1.5 billion that was added last year.

According to CPF Board’s group director of retirement Tan Chui Leng, “small but regular top-ups using Giro can help enhance members’ retirement savings over time”.

For more info, tap here.

Do come back tomorrow to the Goody Feed app so you’ll always stay informed!
