5 super useless and fun things you can do with your calculator to impress your friends

Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:37 pm

Remember your graphic calculator from your JC or university days? You probably still have it lying around, because if you paid $150 for that piece of plastic, you’d better get your money’s worth. However, if you merely have it in your cupboard as a display piece, you might want to take it out and try out these neat tricks. You might feel that money was more well-spent after impressing your friends with what you know!

Draw on the calculator
You can actually draw pixel by pixel, or if you are a pro, graph them. We’ve even seen artist-wannabes sketching skylines and spiderwebs. Modern art, indeed.

Play games
You can download many games from TI-Wizard. Popular classics such as Tetris, Super Mario, Pac-Man are available, making lessons a lot less boring and a lot more fun! If you are still in school, you will just look super hardworking pressing your calculator all day.

Type out messages
If you had that one teacher who was just super insistent on absolute silence in the class, type out what you want to say to your friend and show it to him or her. However, given that we were kids, all we usually typed was “You are stupid hahaha” or “So boring”.

Save word documents
Bet you didn’t know this. You can type out notes and formulas in Microsoft Word, and send them to your calculator. Great for memorising on the go. The GC is not so useless after all.

Flip a coin
This is for those important decisions in your life, like deciding whether to just put your head down and sleep or stick it out. You can use the Probability Simulation application to flip up to three coins. Oh, you can also use this feature to guess the answers to True/False questions.

Top Image: Shane Stillings / Shutterstock