5 surprising things that will happen to you if you stop taking dairy products

Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:54 pm

C’mon let’s admit it, dairy products are one of the most used ingredients in many, many dishes, and they’re a wonderful source of protein and they taste good! However, for those who are a little sensitive in diet, you might want to note down these few things that may happen to you if you stop taking these dairy products!

Weight Loss
Dairy products come in many forms, and these foods include cheese (which is a main topping for pizza, and bread), milk itself (in cake), yoghurt, and smoothie. All these food stuff are high in dairy products, but they are also high in carbohydrates, high in starch, high in sugar and fat. If you want yoghurt or a smoothie, make one yourself with natural ingredients, and trust the supermarkets less. By not eating dairy products, you eliminate those fattening food from your diet too.

Better Complexion
Yes, for those who want radiant, glowing skin, try eliminating dairy product from your diet! Dairy products are proven to have the hormone insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). And guess what? this hormones stimulate skin cell proliferation and sebum production, and research has shown that it is one of the reasons why acne occurs. Therefore, by not eating dairy products, you take in less IFG-1, leading to better skin!

You feel energised
Do you know that some food stuff make you sleepy? No not drowsy drugs from the doctor, but in naturally occurring foods. These food contain tryptophan, an amino acid that causes sleepiness. Guess where they are found? Ever wondered why people who want a good night’s sleep drink warm milk? Even egg products can make you sleep. If you stop taking dairy products with tryptophan, you’ll most probably feel so much more energised.

Say no to Asthma
It is not proven that dairy products cause Asthma, but many, many personal stories have suggested the link between the extent of asthma and dairy products. So, for those suffering asthma, try to avoid dairy products for a while and see the benefits, if there are any!

Less bloatedness
For those who are lactose intolerant, not only does dairy product give you the dreaded diarrhoea, dairy food products also cause immense bloatedness that makes you feel quesy, uncomfortable and, just bad in general. This is because when your body is unable to break down the sugars present in milk, it does not get digested. Therefore, to avoid the problems associated to the indigestion of lactose, avoid dairy products!

Top Image: Evgeny Karandaev / Shutterstock.com