5 Things Chan Chun Sing Revealed about his ‘Ex-girlfriend’ that will make you go Awwwww

Last Updated on 2021-06-12 , 3:03 pm

Ladies, we all love our bae to pamper us with gifts, flowers and throw us occasional surprises to remind us of how much we mean to them.

These gestures are no doubt very sweet and certainly very effective in keeping the spark alive.

But what’s really more important, is to be with someone who treats you like his queen every day even if there are no special occasions.

Chan Chun Sing, Minister in the Prime Minister Office, went on a Mediacorp talk show, Hear Me Out, last year and got “tekan-ed” by hosts Bryan Wong and Lin Pei Fen to reveal his love life.

Here are 5 things he said and did for his then girlfriend (now wife) which we thought was quite sweet.

1. He publicly acknowledged that his wife is a God-sent

Chan Chun Sing met his wife at a training course where they were randomly assigned to work on a project together. When Bryan Wong said it was heaven’s will for them to meet, Chan gave his widest smile and agreed that his wife is a gift from God.

If your partner isn’t shy to tell the whole world that you’re a gem in his eyes, he definitely loves you!

2. No fancy meals on the first “date”

Chan and his wife were working at MINDEF when they first got to know each other. They had their first meal together – “cai-png” (economy rice) at the MINDEF canteen.

He doesn’t consider it a “date” (maybe more like hanging out with a colleague that you have positive feelings for).

It’s not always about the things you do together but who you are with that matters!

3. Marry the one you love and love the one you marry

They did go to the movies and take romantic walks at the park together but to Chan, understanding each other better during the “paktor” process is not as important as being able to fully embrace the one you love.

He thinks that no matter how well you understand each other, people will still change. And when they do, are you able to accept the person, sacrifice and love him or her?

Very profound. But we like.

4. He proposed at a park in Marina Bay

Chan thinks he’s not the most romantic but well, at least he didn’t ask his then girlfriend to apply for HDB with him!

At the park, they promised to take the next step of their lives together and support each other. Sounds like wedding vow right?

Hope the sky was clear and stars were glistening that night!

5. They got married in a church in Japan

They didn’t get to spend a lot of time with each other because of their busy work schedules and they had to undergo a marriage preparation course before they could tie the knot in Singapore.

Chan and wife decided to get married in Japan. They rented a one-size-fits-all wedding gown/suit from the church organisation.

We’re not sure why they did that but Chan was sweet enough to make it up to his wife when they returned from Japan. They did a proper wedding photoshoot at a local bridal studio.

He is the epitome that “every day is Valentine’s day”. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone – remember it’s not just about the roses! 🙂

If you’re one who likes a love story, then you shouldn’t miss this Singapore love story (watch to the end for a twist!):

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