5 things your interviewer is thinking of in your job interview and why you should know

One of the most stressful things you have to go through when you are actively looking for a job is the interview process. This is the only chance to present and sell yourself to someone the company wants to hire.

First impressions are also the most lasting so you definitely want to put your best foot forward. Feeling pressured yet?

Read below to try and get a grasp on what your hiring manager is thinking when they are interviewing you.

Is this person manageable?
This is possibly the most important thing that your hiring manager is thinking when they are interviewing you. They want somebody that works well with the company fits with their managing style.

Make sure that the interviewer knows that you are willing to learn, listen and can shoulder the given workload is definitely a must in any interview.

At the same time, ask a few questions yourself to see whether you are able to meet the demands and management style of the company.

Does this person really want to work here?
In addition to doing your homework about the potential job scope and the organisation, you will also have to show your excitement and interest about possibly being an employee in the company.

It might not be your dream job but it works if you are actually interested in joining the company. You can express your interest by asking a few well-aimed questions about the working environment, company culture and work style.

This demonstrates to the interviewer that you care about being a good fit and puts the organisation’s interests first.

Does this person actually understand the responsibilities of this role?
You can show the interviewer that you truly understand what the position requires by relating your past experience to the responsibilities of the job vacancy.

Do your research and make sure that you have what it takes to fulfil the role.

It is also important to show further understanding of the role by asking relevant questions that will give you a better idea of what the job entails.

Is this person responsible and trustworthy?
If your performance is not up to expectations, your immediate superior will be the one who ultimately has to shoulder the blame.

They want to make sure that if they happen to be on leave or is unable to attend any important appointments, you will still be able to handle everything.

Try to reassure the hiring manager that you are able to do so by the end of the interview by making a reaffirming statement of your professionalism.

Can this person capture my attention?
The interview process can be gruelling for both the interviewer and interviewee. The hiring manager is likely to be interviewing a few candidates in a row and they might get distracted or bored during the process.

To prevent that from happening, you have to make sure that you are able to engage the attention of the interviewer.

Practice your answers and tone of voice before the interview and ensure that you are able to be your most interesting self to be on the interviewer’s good books.

Top Image: TK Kurikawa / Shutterstock.com

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com