5 things that are more important than your education qualifications during an interview

Last Updated on 2016-05-20 , 9:57 am

We live in a world where the paper chase is real. Most of us are willing to spend thousands of dollars just to get that degree, all in the hopes of landing a good paying, stable job. But many people also fail to realise that besides their paper qualifications, there are other more personable and intrinsic qualities that employers look out for during an interview. And fortunately or unfortunately, what your potential employer is looking for may or may not get you the job even if you have a brilliant GPA.

This goes without saying. No matter how wonderful your grades may be back in college or university, having zero experience can be the minus point in your application. However, if you are humble about it and know how to put it in such a way that the employer feels you may have some potential and it is going to be easy to train you, then you may have a shot.

Being humble can bring you a long way, in a good way. If you are not sure about the job scope, be humble and ask questions about it. Admit you are not sure but you are willing to work hard to understand and contribute well to the company.

Play on your both your strengths and your weaknesses
When talking to your potential employer about how well informed you are and how much you will be able to contribute to the well-being of the company, also remember to state that you are not a perfect human being and you know that. This usually softens the interviewer and make him or her more open to hearing what you have to say through the rest of the interview.

What you do in your free time counts too
Don’t downplay it if the interviewer asks you what you do in your free time. It is a good way to find out what kind of person you are out of work. You may even have similar activities with your potential employer and get the job because the both of you share that same interest. You never know.

The way you present yourself
Besides dressing for the role, the way you carry yourself speaks volumes about the type of person you are and how you will perform in the role should it be given to you. Always start off by getting a feel of how the interviewer is like first and then slowly conform to the atmosphere of the interview. Be slightly more casual if you sense that the interview is getting comfortable but if your interviewer is a somewhat more uptight person, continue holding your pose and maintain professionalism until it is over.

At the end of the day, remember that the interviewer is not going to hire you simply based on your grades in school and your dressing. He or she is going to decide on hiring you based on how well you will fit in the company, work wise and with the rest of the team, and how good your work attitude is going to be. Even if you boast a 4.0 GPA but your potential employer feels that you aren’t going to be a good addition to the company, believe me, you’re not going to get the job.

Top Image: Tom Wang / Shutterstock.com