6 Food Myths You Probably Believe That are Actually Rubbish


Last Updated on 2023-04-22 , 1:20 pm

Let’s all agree on one thing: nearly everyone loves food. However, some of us may disagree with the myths that surround it. For instance, is it harmful to swallow chewing gum? Does vodka cause more inebriation than martinis?

In this article, we will debunk six food myths you may believe to be accurate but false.

If You Swallow Chewing Gum, it Takes Seven Years to Digest

image: Billion Photos / Shutterstock.com

This is a common myth, but it is not valid. Nothing stays in your body that long unless it is too big to exit the stomach, which is not the case for a small piece of gum.

Although gum is primarily indigestible, some components will break down, while the rest will pass through your system undisturbed.

And oh, you can chew gum in Singapore. Watch this and you’ll understand:

Sugar Makes Children Hyperactive

image: Suzanne Tucker / Shutterstock.com

There are several reasons to limit the amount of sugar you give your children, but causing hyperactivity is not one of them. Numerous research studies have examined how children react to different sugar levels in their diet, and none have found a link between eating sugar and hyperactivity.

So if you think your child is experiencing a “sugar high,” it’s all in your head.

Fresh Food is More Nutritious Than Frozen or Canned Food

image: Evikka / Shutterstock.com

Unless you live near a farm, your fruits and vegetables probably come from far away. They may have lost a significant amount of their nutrients by reaching the supermarket.

However, frozen or canned food is usually frozen immediately after being picked, which “locks in” the nutrients. Therefore, frozen produce is often more nutritious than fresh ones. Shocking, isn’t it?

Milk Helps You get Stronger Bones

image: fitandwell.com

While milk can help prevent osteoporosis and strengthen bones, it is not the best calcium source.

Leafy greens like kale and spinach contain slightly more calcium than whole milk. Additionally, tofu and dried fruit are excellent non-dairy sources of calcium.

Brown Eggs are Healthier than Regular Eggs

image: Nitr / Shutterstock.com

There is no nutritional difference between brown and white eggs; the only difference is the breed of the chicken that laid them.

Brown eggs are more expensive because the chickens that lay them eat more than their white counterparts.

Different Types of Alcohol Make You Feel Drunk Differently

image: New Africa / Shutterstock.com

Contrary to popular belief, the type of alcohol you consume does not affect how drunk you feel. The only things that impact your level of intoxication are how much you drink and how fast you finish it.

So if you wake up with a terrible hangover, don’t blame it on the alcohol.
