6 McDonald’s Happy Meal Toys S’pore Kids Used To Show Off to Their Friends

Last Updated on 2022-09-21 , 9:43 pm

I don’t know about kids nowadays, but during my days, McDonald’s toys were every single kid’s life: Having one is like having the latest iPhone, because not only can you spend hours playing with it, you can also brag to your friends about your latest collection.

If your childhood wasn’t about McDonald’s toys, then we’re not from the same generation.

If yours is…well, how about a trip down memory lane on the toys that we once called our life?

Image: Reddit

If there’s one toy collection that screams “nostalgia”, this would be it. Every kid then has this “pirated” Transformers line, and we all love that hotcakes box because it’s just so cool.

Image: Esty

We’ve no idea why we were obsessed with Garfield then–maybe we were just obsessed with anything that came with McDonald’s?

Image: Kidspot

Remember these eggs? Well, they’re actually not eggs. They’re nuggets. Nuggets in the 80s sure look different from nuggets now!

Image: PInterest

If you can even remember who the actor of Mr Kiasu is, you’re truly Uncle level.

Image: Carousell

I remember turning something so that the cart will move by itself. Or do you roll it back for it to spring forward? Where were toys so complicated then? And why Google has no answer for this!?

Image: Open the Toy

And I still don’t understand why I was so obsessed with just these. I mean, you can’t do anything to them except to stare at them?