7 Things That Are Actually Free On An Airplane You Probably Didn’t Know Of


Last Updated on 2020-02-17 , 12:55 am

When we say that these seven things are “free”, we don’t mean that you can actually stuff them into your hand-carry and remove it from the plane itself.

We mean that these are items or services that you can request from the flight attendants if necessary and will have to be returned once you leave the plane.

However, these only apply to non-budget flights so asking for such items while you are on a Tiger or AirAsia flight is not possible.

When you are hundreds or even thousands of metres up in the sky, it is difficult to keep warm. If the blankets that you have been provided at the start of your flight aren’t enough, you can request for additional blankets from the flight attendants if you wish.

In order to provide passengers with a satisfactory flying experience, most airlines would have the basic onboard and that includes your generic medicine, like those for headaches, menstrual cramps, stomach aches, and the like. Feel free to ask the flight attendants for these items if you are feeling unwell. Just don’t go overboard by requesting for an entire box of Panadol.

An additional in-flight meal
All passengers will be provided with a free in-flight meal if they are flying for long hours. However, some passengers will choose to opt out of this free meal which means some other passengers can have an additional meal if they really like aeroplane meals that much. Remember to ask politely because after all, you are not exactly entitled to more than one in-flight meal in the first place anyway.

Wet wipes
If you are the sort who needs to wipe his/her hands down after touching every surface, have no fear. You can ask the flight attendants for antiseptic wet wipes to clean your hands with. These are also available in the toilets as well though you probably have to go search for them first.

Change of seats
If it isn’t a full flight, you can request to have a change of seat. It could be that your seat doesn’t completely recline or that the safety belt is stuck but regardless, flight attendants will be glad to help you change seats if possible.

Airline companies understand that travelling with infants or toddlers can sometimes be a major pain in the ass, especially if they start fussing or misbehaving. If you are travelling alone with your child and have to visit the toilet, you can request for the flight attendants to take care of your kid for a short while. And please don’t treat the flight attendants like a daycare centre because that is not in their job scope.

Medical care
If taking all those pills didn’t work for you and you feel like you require urgent medical care, you can ask the flight attendants to make an announcement asking if there are any doctors or nurses onboard who can help you with your condition.