70YO Man Molested 7 Girls in Less Than an Hour in Clementi


I‘m sure we’ve all heard of speedruns, whether they’re in…


Image: GameCrate

Obstacle courses.

Image: Giphy

Or of course, classic time trial competitions.

Image: Gfycat

Yet, while the above notions are undeniably legal (and totally fair game), I can’t say the same about… others. And as you might’ve surmised from the article headline…

There’s one that’s definitely not cool, not cool at all.

70YO Man Molested 7 Girls in Less Than an Hour in Clementi

According to The New Paper, an elderly man went full-on ‘tiko’ mode when he embarked on a molesting spree at Clementi Bus Interchange earlier this year, groping no less than seven girls in less than an hour.

Image: twitter.com/japanesewtfs

And to add more ‘wtf’ to the mix, the 70-year-old apparently committed the crimes when he was out on bail for another offence in February.

He had molested three other victims on separate occasions, with the youngest being 11 and the oldest, 22.

No holds barred

According to court documents, Yeo Kin Choon’s spree started at around 1:00 p.m. on 15 March at Clementi Bus Interchange and ended at roughly 1:55 p.m.

At around 1:00 p.m., the first victim, a 12-year-old girl, was walking with a classmate to the interchange (from The Clementi Mall) when Yeo, who was walking behind them, instantaneously reached out and groped her. When she turned to look at him, he simply smiled and pulled back his hand.

Thereafter, he molested three more girls, before groping another 12-year-old at around 1:45 p.m. According to reports, the girl was sitting on the ground at the interchange using her phone when Yeo got near her, bent over to point at her phone and subsequently pressed his hand against her chest three times before she stood up.

It wasn’t until he had molested another two 12-year-old girls, that he finally stopped.

Earlier that week, Yeo molested a 13-year-old girl at Sembawang Bus Interchange and a 14-year-old girl at North Bridge Road Market. The latter had pushed him away and shouted, and Yeo fled when passers-by came to her assistance.


In court, Deputy Public Prosecutor Lim Woon Yee requested for a global sentence of 28 months, listing numerous aggravating factors in prosecution. Also, it seems that a psychiatric report has found no evidence of Yeo having any mental disorder.


In mitigation, Yeo’s lawyer, Mr Noor Marican, expressed that Yeo had health problems and poor physical fitness. The latter was swiftly batted out of the ballpark, however, when District Judge Eddy Tham gave a pretty legit reason during sentencing.

“He’s quite capable of physically moving around to cause harm to young female victims,” he said, adding that the psychiatric report indicated Yeo was unrepentant and in denial.

Yeo was eventually sentenced to 28 months on four counts of outrage of modesty, with another six similar charges taken into account.

Now, my mum frequently asks me to respect my elders, and that I understand. But just like how speedruns are divided into positive and negative departments…

I’m pretty sure respect’s due where it’s worth too.
