8 Old-school Chinese Movies Every 90s Kid Would Have Watched Before

Last Updated on 2022-05-09 , 11:03 am

90’s kids, remember back before the Marvel series, we had our own set of movies to go crazy over?

And the best part is, we get to watch them again and again over the years because some of them are so good they’re shown on Channel 8 every festive season.

Herer are 8 old-school Chinese movies we would have watched and went crazy over for when we were kids. Agree?

Fight Back to School 1/2/3

For 90’s kids, action heroes were everything, and because we were kids, action with comedy was even better. Kids will never forget this series because of its sheer ridiculousness, dirty jokes and overall fun. I still catch it on YouTube from time to time.

Police Story

The New Police Story in 2013 was pretty good, but ask any 90’s kid and they’ll tell you (maybe) that the original one was awesome. Hands up if you remember the awesome mall fight in the first movie.

Once Upon a Time in China 1/2/3/4 and all Wong Fei Hung movies

Before we had Donnie Yen as Ip Man, we have Jet Li as Wong Fei Hung. From his rooster and lion competition to his shadowless leg, I’ve always imagined myself kicking bad guys while shouting 无影腿.

God of Gamblers (賭神)

Say the name Chow Yun-fat and 90’s kids will immediately think of gambling. To be exact, the god of gamblers.

All for the Winner (赌圣)

And then we have another Chow, Stephen Chow, who’s also the God of Gamblers. Albeit the pirated version. This parody of the God of Gamblers is as well-loved as Chow Yun-Fat’s version.

From Beijing with Love (國產凌凌漆)

And it’s time for Asia’s version of James Bond, 007. Unsuave, a pork seller and wielding a chopper, but he still gets the girl in the end.

Money No Enough 1 & 2 (钱不够用 1 & 2)

A Singapore movie directed by Jack Neo, this movie tells you the truth about living in Singapore and some of the hardships our people faced.

When we were kids, we laughed at the jokes and antics but it’s only when we grew up did we realise how true the movie was.

Liang Popo The Movie

And last, but not least, is Liang Popo, our favourite grandmother who goes wu wu wu wu. Our own version of Mr Bean, she gets into trouble wherever she goes, whether it be at the petrol station or tangling with gang members.

So, how many of your favourite movies made it into the list?