8 Simple Study Hacks Students Should Know to Make Life Easier


Last Updated on 2018-10-17 , 3:26 pm

Exams suck, but these tips will make them suck a little less.

Though it still sucks. But anyways.

1. Get rid of distractions. Literally.

Block distractions. Literally.
Image: selfcontrolapp.com
Can’t focus? SelfControl is a free app that will prevent you from accessing certain websites for a preset amount of time. Just add Facebook, Twitter and YouTube into the list, and you’re good to start on some hardcore revision.

2. Use Times New Roman whenever you’re taking notes on your laptop.

Image: news.softpedia.com
Image: news.softpedia.com

This might come as a surprise, but it’s the fastest font to read.

3. Spraying an unfamiliar scent will help keep you alert.

Spraying an unfamiliar scent will help keep you more alert.
Image: reddit.com
Time to stock up on those Chanel fragrances.

4. Exercise can help improve brain power.

Image: Odua Images / Shutterstock.com

5. Don’t study at the same place every day.

Avoid studying in the same place every day. Changing your environment while learning helps you retain knowledge.
Image: reddit.com

Switch up your studying environment every once in a while – it helps you retain knowledge.

6. Post-it notes are a lifesaver.

Use post-it notes to write down anything you're having difficulty with. That way you don't have to flip through everything when you're searching for information you desperately need.
Image: Flickr
No more flipping through hundreds of pages for that one line of information.

7. Scientific fact: Chewing gum actually helps boost concentration.

A pity it’s banned here… Or is it.

8. Listen to ambient noise or unfamiliar music.

Image: bibbysbaby.livejournal.com
Image: bibbysbaby.livejournal.com

Listening to your favourite music tends to lower productivity. So that means no more singing along to Taylor Swift. Boo.

Yes, you’re welcome.

Now, get back to the books.