8 things only girls who hate veggies will understand

1. Wanting to go on a diet, but hating salads.

Image: Tumblr
Image: Tumblr

2. When people forget your McChicken special order.

Everyone else is happily chomping away on their burger, but you’re sitting there picking out that stray piece of lettuce.

Image: rebloggy.com
Image: rebloggy.com

3. Eating a meal and leaving the greens at the side.

It’s not that you particularly enjoy wasting food, you just can’t bring yourself to finish it.


4. Life is hard when your friends choose to eat at Subway.

Image: ayebee.me
Image: ayebee.me

“Which vegetables would you like?”

“Uh… None?”

5. When friends gush over delicious sandwich recipes and you’re like:

Image: pinterest.com
Image: pinterest.com

6. When someone asks you the question you dread most: “which veggies do you not hate?”

And you reply: “broccoli, cauliflower…” before trailing off awkwardly because you can’t think of anything else.

7. When every workout plan says to “eat healthy”.

That means cut down on the meats. Which also means more veggies.

Image: memegifs.tumblr.com
Image: memegifs.tumblr.com

8. But sometimes, you try a vegetable dish that you… don’t hate.

That doesn’t happen very often, but when it does:

Image: pandawhale.com
Image: pandawhale.com

Top Image: GUNDAM_Ai / Shutterstock

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com