8 Types Of People You Will Never Want To Travel With Even If It Means Staying in S’pore


They say, that one trip can make or break a relationship or friendship forever and that statement’s pretty legit. For myself, I can never, ever stand traveling with someone that I do not feel comfortable with, simply because it’s no fun getting stuck with someone you cannot stand in another country when the both of you are all alone. Been there, done that, and now here’s an article about that.

1.The Control Freaks


One good thing about traveling with Control Freaks is that they have everything planned down to the most minute details. The bad? Well, you don’t ever get to make any decisions because they have to be the ones taking the lead. Like no, you are not my teacher and I am not on a school trip with you. Please get over yourself.

Even Queen Bey says no.

2. The one who needs WIFI to breathe


Okay, I do admit that in this Internet age, we all need WIFI to survive. But there are people who just cannot do with it. But seriously, if you really need WIFI that badly, go get yourself a WIFI router or just get a data roaming plan.

3. The one who keeps wandering off


We all have a friend whom we can never stay put, who always wanders off whenever the guide is explaining important details about a certain landmark. This bugger then comes back when everything is explained, and asks you to repeat it all over again. Not cool, bro.

4. The #ootd fanatic


The one who travels just for the #ootd, and has unreachable standards for it. These people are the ones who get you to stand half an hour in the hot sun just to take a photo of them or cross through the deepest oceans just for the perfect shot. Excuse me, are you traveling with your friend or with your photographer?

5. The people who stick to the same food all the time


Goes all the way to London and only wants to eat McDonalds. Yup.

6. The one that is stingy as hell

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Hotels? No, hostels will do. Taxi? Nah, just walk. Your only night activity with them is to just pack food back to the hotel for the night. Anything that does not involve money, goes. Yes, these are the people that keep our budgets in check but are also the biggest spoilsports.

7. The one who just can’t shut up


They have to comment on every single thing everywhere they go, and all they do is complain, complain and complain.

8. The Emo Nemos


These people look as though they are always depressed, and it is not because of their period. These people probably went on a trip because they just broke up with their boyfriend, or because they just got fired from work and would rather spend the whole day moping around in the hotel room than going out. I mean, we get that you are sad, but we didn’t spend so much money going to another country to see you cry. Cheer up.

This article was first published on Goodyfeed.com