8 Types Of Pokemon Go Players You Can Find In Singapore

The Pokemon Go game is all the rage now with Singaporeans willing to go the distance to catch these little digital monsters. If you haven’t heard of this latest trend, it’s time you start going out more. While the game is seemingly easy to maneuver, it is highly addictive and has already caused a couple of accidents when players walk into danger while being so immersed in their game.

And with every new, incredibly addictive game, there will always be certain habits that form amongst the different players. Here are eight types of Pokemon Go players you may see as you go around Singapore.


1.The ones that go everywhere and anywhere to catch Pokemon.

Photo: http://www.straitstimes.com/

These you will see all over the place. They are the ones who will travel the distance just to catch a rare Pokemon. Dragonite in Marsiling? They are there. Eevee in Tampines? You can bet your bottom dollar they will be making their way there too.

And if you have heard of people losing weight just by playing Pokemon Go, these are the ones.

2. The ones who just follow the trend.


It’s funny how as there are many adults in their 30s and 40s playing this game, there are also teens and kids as young as 10 who also display so much fervour.

Then there are those who play the game because their friends are playing it without any knowledge of what Pokemon is actually all about. You will definitely see some of these people in your social circle.

3.The ones that play the game once in awhile.

Photo: https://www.tripzilla.com

I have a few friends who, although have downloaded the game, only open the app once in a blue moon to catch a few Pokemon before they shut it back down and carry on with their lives.

When asked if they will walk five kilometers to catch a rare one, they just shake their heads and go “Siao ah! I rather sleep.”

4. The ones that are super protective of their teams

Photo: https://d1ic4altzx8ueg.cloudfront.net

You most definitely should have heard of the three teams – Team Instinct, Team Mystic and Team Valor.

Some of the team players are hypersensitive when someone mentions the strength of any of these teams and will go into defense mode if they hear anything bad about theirs.

With the current conversation starter as Pokemon Go, it is getting harder to strike up a friendship with a fellow player from another team if the two of you disagree from the start.

5. The ones who cause danger to themselves and others


While it is funny and still pretty okay to be obsessed with playing the game while you are on a walking path, in the office or at home, it is definitely not okay to be that way and endangering your own life as well as others.

Already there have been a couple of accidents that have happened in Singapore due to Pokemon Go players not looking where they are walking and it isn’t very pleasant.

6. The ones who invent different ways of playing the game.

Photo: https://www.tripzilla.com

Call them lazy or creative or whatever you like, these players are always on the lookout for different ways to play the game, most of the time in the easiest way possible.

Some of tried tying their phones to the backs of their pets to make their eggs hatch faster while YouTuber Pewdiepie has even gone on to catch Pokemon with his phone strapped to a flying drone.

It won’t be long now before we see some of these funny things in action in Singapore.

7. The ones who don’t care what time of day it is.

Photo: http://www.straitstimes.com/

So what if it is the seventh month now? Pokemon Go players apparently do not care and can still be seen roaming the parks and streets in the wee hours of the morning catch Pokemon.

It has gotten so bad that memes have been created saying that there seem to be more humans than ghosts out in the early hours of the morning right now during the Hungry Ghost month.

I think even the ghosts are scared of how obsessed these people are.

8. The ones who observe

Photo: https://www.tripzilla.com

I am one of the guilty ones who don’t play the game but observe when I see someone else doing it. In fact, I can almost dare say that those who aren’t actively playing the game are observing the ones who do.

We may not know as much about it as the ones who actually play Pokemon Go but we sure do know a thing or two about it.

This article was first published on Goodyfeed.com