A Study Has Showed That Ladies Have Worse Sense of Direction Than Guys


Last Updated on 2021-11-04 , 1:21 pm

Now, before anything, here’s a disclaimer: while this is proven with a study, it shouldn’t be etched to stone. Because we’ve seen men who lose their way so easily that they can’t even navigate despite having a GPS, and we’ve seen women who can walk from Jurong to Pasir Ris blindfolded.

So don’t go apeshit, okay?

But anyways.

Men, if you have always insisted that your sense of direction is much better than women’s, you might actually be right.

Now, you have scientific proof to back up your claims and take over the wheels.

Once again, sorry girls, we are not trying to be sexist but it has indeed been proven that men are much better at directions.

Study Done With 3D Goggles & Joysticks

In a report published in end 2015, Norwegian researchers have conducted a study that had men and women trying to find their way through a virtual maze using 3D goggles and joysticks.

Meanwhile, their brains were scanned throughout their journeys.

There were 45 navigation tests given to them and only 30 seconds for each task was provided. In the end, the men solved twice as many tasks as the women did.

The research representative explained that this was because men tended to use cardinal directions such as North, South, East and West.

(Nothing to do with them having served NS before since it’s not a research done in Singapore, Bruh)

These directions are much more efficient at getting them to their destinations, as they do not change with respect to the situation.

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Woman Tend to Use Landmarks to Navigate

On the other hand, women tended to guide themselves by remembering certain landmarks or points. For example, they will think of the route as “turn left at the hairdresser, then turn right at the grocery store.”

Nothing wrong with that, except for one little point.

If they are given a different starting point, these points of references become irrelevant. Thus, the women will find it much harder to figure out another way to the same destination, compared to using North, South, East and West.


Furthermore, the research also showed that women navigated better when they were given a drop of testosterone on their tongue. We are inclined to believe that this is less inappropriate than what we are thinking of.

But you should know that guys have testosterone, though it’s unknown whether higher testosterone would lead to better navigating.

Also, the MRI scans of the brain showed that men and women used different areas of the brain when they navigate. This could also be evolutionary proof, as women tend to be the gatherers while men tend to be the hunters.

According to the researcher, “women are faster at finding things in the house, and men are faster at finding the house.”

On a serious note, losing one’s sense of direction is one of the first symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease.


It is hoped that this study will help researchers and doctors to understand more about the disease, and perhaps help to counter its effects.

Featured Image: Pixpan_creative / Shutterstock.com