A Thai Lady Was Determined To Save Her Dying Pet Goldfish After Its Tail Rotted Away


Here’s a picture of a fish:

Image: Facebook (Kanya Tantiwiwatkul)

Why you show me this half of a fish head…? Supermarket got sell fish that look like goldfish meh…?

There are many motivational stories of determination in this world. There are people who go from rags to riches, athletes who went against all odds, Rocky, and this fish.

You see, that’s not a dead fish. It’s actually still alive.

Image: Giphy

This isn’t some Frankenstein story where the fish came back as the Goldfish monster or a kind of horror story where the goldfish came back to life with a vengeance.

…What’s that? You’re saying this random idea I thought on the spot about a zombie goldfish is actually a thing…?

Image: AnimeNewsNetwork

Either way, this is a story of kindness and determination.

Told By Shop Owner To Throw Away Goldfish

The full story is shared in Thai on Facebook. That fish above was rotting away until the bones even showed, six months ago. So Kanya Tantiwiwatkul showed it to a pet shop owner for advice.

In response, the shop owner said it was useless to try to save the fish, and to throw it away.

You’d think that someone like a shop owner would know best. But Kanya was determined to prove him wrong and save her fish.

Gave Medicine And Changed Water Often

Image: Facebook (Kanya Tantiwiwatkul)

In the following six months, she gave the fish medicine every day and changed its water often.

In my mind, she bought the pet medicine from another pet store and waved it at the shop owner every time to show him it’s working, but that’s just in my mind.

In the original Facebook post, she added (translated by World Of Buzz):

“Although your (the fish) tail is not perfect, it is very strong and can swim well. You are very cute and strong, very determined to survive. I believe with a little more care you will only get better.”

With the proper care given and long term persistence, her efforts pay off and we now see this healthy(ier?) fish.

Image: Facebook (Kanya Tantiwiwatkul)

The tails grew back, and the rotten flesh was gone.


You might argue that the fish previously looked like a zombie, but you can’t say so anymore.

Image: Giphy

Might Have Been Infected

(Infected referring to a disease, not a zombie. Though, use your imagination.)

A Thai vet said that the rotten flesh might have been caused by an infection. But as the intestines and vital organs stayed intact, the fish managed to stay alive. After the infection was cured, the flesh then grew back normally.

Safe to say, even if the goldfish was infected in a different way (the zombie way), this goldfish would probably bite itself before biting this owner.

Yeah, think back on all the goldfish you kept and perhaps neglected. Wouldn’t be thinking that they’re not so intelligent now if this happens eh?

Image: AnimeNewsNetwork