The Air-Con Modes You Should Use at Home to Save More Money

Last Updated on 2021-01-01 , 4:09 pm

Working at home is goody; you can work for 5 minutes, sleep for 50 minutes and repeat the cycle, and yet tell your boss that you’re working more than 25 hours a day.

No one would know.

But there’s just a little problem that you’d face: your electricity bills are going to skyrocket.

So what should you do? Let SP Group earn your hard-earned money?

No, don’t worry. We’re here to help you tide over this period.

The Air-Con Modes You Should Use at Home to Save More Money

If you prefer to watch a video because you’ve got nothing to do, here’s a video we’ve done on this topic:

(Check out our YouTube channel for more informative and entertaining videos!)

Still here because you prefer to read?

Okay, here goes.

For a start, you need to know that your air-conditioner has different modes. In some remote controls, you can’t even see the “Mode” button unless you open the cover to reveal a number of other hidden buttons.

Most Singapore air-conditioners would have four main different modes:

This is usually the default setting, whereby you just need to set your temperature and the air-conditioner would decide what mode to be on to achieve the desired temperature. Depending on the weather and the condition of the room, it might or might not use more electricity.

For this mode, it’ll go all out to achieve the temperature you’ve set: and while it’ll keep the room extremely cold, it’ll use lots of electricity as it’ll be working on overdrive to achieve that coldness.

For the dry mode, the conditioner would suck out the hot air in your room and push them all out, so that your room would remain cool. That means if there’s a window that’s heating up the room, or you’re somehow burning dozens of cockroaches in your room, then it’ll require more electricity to suck the hot air within your room.

When you’re on this mode, it’ll just work like a fan: it’ll merely turn air into winds and nothing else. Usually, when you’re at this mode, you won’t see the temperature at the remote control because how can you set a temperature for a ceiling fan?

So now that you know the four different modes, which mode should you use?

Modes to be Used in Singapore if You Need it to be On 24/7

Obviously the easiest solution would be to use the auto mode, which is akin to driving an auto car instead of a manual car.

That would suffice if you on it only 12 hours a day—but 24/7? You need more control so that your wallet won’t feel so light on 4 May 2020, man.

To do that, here’s a suggestion that works depending on the weather condition:

Sunny Day

  • Office hours: Auto mode so that it’ll keep the room cool despite the harsh weather out there
  • Night: Dry or fan mode, since it’ll be cool outdoors

Rainy Day:

  • Office hours: Dry or fan mode
  • Night: Fan mode

The goal is to switch to dry or fan mode as much as possible so that you’d save on electricity.

In fact, if you can, let it run on dry mode 24/7—it might not be that cold but you’d not have a bill shock. And if possible, turn on fan mode—now’s a good time for us to train to survive in a world without air-conditioner.

Featured Image: Jo Panuwat D /