1 More Airport Staff Member Detected With Omicron Variant, Bringing Total Cases to 24

As our COVID-19 graph will tell you, our daily caseload is on the decline.

Image: Worldometers

355 new cases were recorded yesterday, and one more COVID-19 case passed away from complications. This is the lowest number of deaths reported in a day since 20 Sept, when the authorities started recording deaths daily.

This is cause for celebration, right?

Normally, yes.

But thanks to the Omicron variant—the world’s most famous party pooper—everyone is expressing caution instead of joy.

And now, we have yet another local case of the new strain.

1 More Airport Staff Member Detected With Omicron Variant, Bringing Total Cases to 24

A 42-year-old man has tested preliminarily positive for the Omicron variant, the latest local case to test positive for the highly transmissible strain.

The man, who is a loading assistant at Changi Airport Terminal 3, developed a fever on 8 Dec and sought medical treatment at a general practitioner clinic where he was tested for COVID-19.

His test result came back positive the next day, and he was placed on home recovery. The authorities later discovered that the man was a close contact of another case who had recently tested preliminarily positive for the Omicron variant—a 54-year-old loading cabin assistant at Changi Airport Terminal 3.

So, the authorities tested the 42-year-old man’s sample for the Omicron variant, and it came back preliminarily positive. The National Public Health Laboratory is conducting whole-genome sequencing to confirm the variant infection, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said.

The man has mild symptoms and is currently recovering in an isolation ward at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases.

Fortunately, he had no contact with flight passengers. He is also fully vaccinated.

There are now 24 confirmed cases of the Omicron variant in Singapore: 21 imported and three local.

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Couple Dined at 4 Restaurants; Visitors Advised to Monitor Health

A couple of days ago, the authorities revealed that two cases who had tested preliminary positive for the Omicron variant had dined at four restaurants here while they were in the community.

The four restaurants are:

  • Mizuki at Ngee Ann City
  • Li Bai Cantonese Restaurant at Sheraton Towers Singapore
  • Merci Marcel at Palais Renaissance
  • Signs A Taste Of Vietnam Pho at Orchard Gateway

The health ministry advised all visitors to the affected premises to monitor their health closely, and minimise social interactions as far as possible, for 14 days from their date of visit or interaction.

“They are encouraged to see a doctor immediately if they feel unwell,” MOH added.

Staff and visitors who were at these locations around the same time will be issued health risk warnings, and will also be contacted for a PCR test.

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Featured Image: Sing Studio / Shutterstock.com