Everything About the Shooting in a Philippines University That is Known So Far

Three people, including a former mayor, died in a shooting at a university graduation ceremony in Manila, Philippines.

Here’s what we know so far.

Shooting Seemed to be Targeted Assassination

According to local Quezon city police chief, Remus Medina, the shooting seemed to be a targeted assassination of the former mayor of Lamitan city, Rose Furigay.

Furigay was shot while she was about to attend the graduation of her daughter. The shooting happened near the law school of Ateneo de Manila University, which is one of the country’s most prestigious institutions.

Ateneo cancelled the graduation ceremony after the shooting.

Three Dead, Two Wounded

A campus security officer was killed, alongside Furigay and Furigay’s executive assistant.

There were two others injured in the shooting. One of them included Furigay’s daughter, who was supposed to attend the graduation ceremony.

Suspect In Custody, Might Be from Extremist Group

The suspect is currently in custody and being interrogated by the police. He was injured in a shootout with a campus police officer at the scene.

The police found two pistols on the suspect, and labelled him a “determined assassin”. He did not have any relatives attending the graduation.

It was also revealed that the suspect is from Lamitan city in Basilan province, which is one of the strongholds of the extremist group Abu Sayyaf. This group is largely known for banditry and kidnapping.

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Authorities Condemning Attack

In the Philippines, such shootings don’t occur often, although firearms are a common sight. Owners of guns require a permit to carry them out in public, and private security officers often carry either handguns or shotguns.

Quezon city’s mayor, Joy Belmonte, has condemned the attack “to the highest level”, saying that such shooting has “no place in our society”. Meanwhile, president Ferdinand Marcos Jr has stated that they will commit to thoroughly and swiftly investigating this incident, so that all involved will be brought to justice.

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Featured Image: Ateneo de Manila University