Always place new eggs into fridge immediately? You’re slowly killing yourself because…


Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:54 pm

I had a friend who always put his eggs into the fridge immediately after buying them, and now he’s dead. Just kidding, he’s alive and well, but I’m afraid not for long.

If you put eggs into the fridge immediately after buying them, you are slowly killing yourself. Fresh eggs are contaminated with faeces and sometimes chicken blood. These are full of bacteria that, unfortunately, thrives in cooling temperatures. Keeping eggs in the fridge will cause the bacteria to multiply rapidly and before you know it you got a Planet of the Apes Germs. Don’t say what’s on the shell will not affect the egg! Because it does!

What you should do instead is to wash the eggs under running water or rub the shell gently in a pail of water to remove any contaminants from the shell before refrigerating them. This way, you get a fridge of fresh and clean eggs that you can eat with a peace of the heart!

Also, where you keep your eggs matter. Putting eggs in the fridge is not necessary, but it can help the eggs last longer. However, putting the eggs on the door of the fridge is the most common, and also the stupidest. Not only will it not make the eggs last longer, it might actually make them spoil even faster due to the fluctuating temperatures door that occurs when you open and closes the fridge. So if you want to put your eggs in the fridge, get a basket and place them on the shelf.

The ideal way is to keep your eggs in the middle of the fridge for this is where the temperature will be kept the most consistent. However, sacrificing the centre of the fridge for some dumb eggs is not a good trade in some people’s minds. If so, just put them on a shelf away from sunlight. That is good too.

Now you know how to keep your eggs, you better start treating them right!