Always sweat on your head? Here’s what it says about your health

Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:54 pm

As unglamorous as it might look and feel, sweating is our body’s way of cooling itself and getting rid of toxins. However if you find yourself sweating excessively, your body may be sending you a message. Here’s what you need to know.

The medication you are taking
If you find yourself sweating excessively after taking a new course of medication, check with the doctor (or online) about the symptoms. Some common medicines that cause sweating include antidepressants, painkillers, and heart or blood vessels medication. People taking medication for blood pressure control, anxiety disorders or dry mouth may also cause excessive sweating.

Hormonal changes
In common cases, pregnancy and menopause tend to affect the hormone levels in your body. Hyperthyroidism, a condition where our thyroid gland produces excessive thyroid hormone, is also a cause of hormonal changes in your body. Those with a thyroid problem who sweat a lot may need to get their medication dosage checked out.

Heart conditions
Excessive sweating on the face, coupled with dizziness, chest pain or encountering physical difficulties when attempting strenuous exercises may be a sign that your body is being strained and can lead to heart conditions.

Nervous system malfunction
Fortunately, not everyone who sweats excessively is down with something. Studies have shown that some people are born with genetic nervous system malfunction, which means that they are just as healthy aside from this genetic flaw.

Emerging Diseases
Unless you are born with a genetic nervous system problem, starting to sweat excessively may be a sign that your nervous system has been damaged, affecting your body’s ability to regulate the sweat glands properly. Conditions that may cause such changes include infections, tuberculosis and also Parkinson’s disease.

What you should do
Whether it’s a long term problem or a recent occurrence, take note of the other changes that may be happening to your body, such as dizziness, weight gain or increasing heartbeats, and consult a doctor as soon as you can.

Secondly, be mindful of the food and medication you consume. Spicy food and garlic can cause excessive sweating, as well as over the counter medication that may not be suitable for you. Check with your doctor about the drugs and request for advice on vitamin intake. Generally speaking, health supplement and food that are high in B vitamins can help to manage a sweating problem.

Use antiperspirant and deodorant in moderation. Antiperspirant is designed to stop the body from sweating but overusing it would affect your body’s ability to release heat and toxins. Using both antiperspirant and deodorant alternatingly would help control the odour and regulate the sweating tendencies.

Lastly, make sure that you are drinking enough water, relative to your physical active level! It would prevent your body from dehydration due to excessive sweating.