Apple Rumoured To Open 2 New Apple Stores At Jewel Changi & MBS

I love Apple, and those who know me well would say that that’s an understatement.

For readers who feel the same way I do, here’s some great news to fuel your (our) already problematic addiction to the brand: more Apple stores are set to open in Singapore.

To be exact, Singapore can expect to see 2 new Apple stores this year, 2019.

Where Are They Located?

The first will be in Changi’s new Jewel terminal, which is already the hotbed of highly anticipated must-visits like Shake Shack, A&W, as well as in-house attractions such as the Rain Vortex and Canopy Park.

The second will be at Marina Bay Sands (MBS). Although the exact location is not yet known, there are rumours that it will be located at a certain dome-like structure which has “emerged from the water”, besides the existing Louis Vuitton island store.

Apple began hinting at new retail outlets September last year when 18 new job positions were posted on their recruitment page.

Image: Vulcan Post

Any other details?

Well, not really.

Besides guesses that the outlet at Jewel terminal might be opening on 17 April, not much else is known yet.

Actually, even tenants at the Jewel terminal don’t even know what’s going on with the renovations for the new Apple store, as it’s all kept behind the scenes.

Shhh… With Apple, it’s Always a Secret

A distinguishing feature of this great tech company is that somehow, they manage to turn nearly everything they do into something extremely exciting.

The trick?

Secrecy. Which translates into anticipation.

Apple is the grandmaster of the secretive culture in the business world.

They love keeping their plans and projects super hushed, then finally revealing the finished product with a flourish just as consumers’ excitement is reaching its peak.

Even Employees Are Kept Out of The Loop

In fact, Apple employees don’t even know what they’re working on, till they see the final product together with the rest of the world at its launch.

An Apple employee said in an interview on the first iPad that he and his team worked on the gadget’s display screen for nearly 2 years without even knowing what he was working on. Based on gadgets he was used to, he guessed that it was either a small laptop or a large phone.

Employees are given information on projects on a need-to-know basis, and nothing more. Plus, they’re not allowed to get information from the other teams, which can make for lots of difficulties.

But Apple is staunch about its secrecy culture, one instilled into the company’s heart from its start by founder Steve Jobs.

And it works.

Image: CBS New York

The long lines outside Apple stores at every new launch speak for themselves. Also, people’s love for the brand, which isn’t an overstatement to describe as cult-like at some points.

Employees at Apple, as well as those who study branding, say that it is precisely the mystery and privacy that has fuelled product development and consumer demand over the years.

Workers at Apple have even gone so far as dumpster diving to ensure that nothing is leaked, not even through the trash.

Adam Lashinsky, the author of Inside Apple: How America’s Most Admired and Secretive Company Really Works, says that the culture of secrecy has held up all these years, because employees believe in it, instead of seeing it as part of their job.

And, given how Apple fans here are already buzzing about the new Apple stores, their methods have clearly worked their magic here too.

More reasons to spend money on Apple devices, anyone?