17 Suspected Members Of Unlawful Societies, Aged 15-57, Arrested In Raids On Nightlife Establishments


Once again, local COVID-19 cases have only been going up, up and up by the day, and we’re soon about to hit a daily high of 1,000 cases soon.

Strict enforcement rules to ensure people aren’t disrupting the nation’s hard work in preventing the spread of the virus thus goes on, especially as dine-in remains open.

However, besides people who breach safe distancing measures, other law-breakers were also not spared from the recent police raids.

This is, unfortunately, not what people meant when they said you should join them as part of the Pfizer Gang after their vaccination.

17 Men Arrested For Allegedly Being Part Of Unlawful Societies

The Singapore Police Force (SPF) embarked on some enforcement operations between 20 August and 12 September at several food and beverage establishments, including nightlife ones.

Along with officers from the Secret Societies Branch of the Criminal Investigation Department and those from the seven Police Land Divisions, they launched a comprehensive enforcement raid.

Safe distancing officers from the Housing and Development Board (HDB), Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA), Singapore Food Agency (SFA), Enterprise Singapore, and the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) were also involved in assisting them.

What they found after checking 543 people in nightlife establishments islandwide were 17 men suspected to have been involved in illegal unlawful society activities as a member.

Simply put, they might have been gang members.

Some of them are as young as 15 years old, with the oldest being 57 years old.

The SPF is currently investigating all the men.

Not The First Time

In January this year, 52 men were arrested for being suspected members of unlawful societies, with 72 men having been arrested just the month before in December 2020.

If you’re found to be a member of one, you can face up to a fine of $5,000, three years in jail, or both.

Members of the public who encounter people who engage in such activities are encouraged to immediately report them and are advised to stay away from them.

Safe Distancing Measures Were Also Breached

Additionally, four F&B establishments were also caught breaching safe distancing measures during the enforcement operations.

These places were Beer Belly Lok Lok Bar, Chips Cafe and Pub, Ocean Star Bar & Grill and Oh My Bistro.


Following the recent spat of clusters involving KTV outlets a few months back, it’s no surprise that enforcement checks on nightlife establishments have only been made stricter.

People found to be non-compliant with COVID-19 safe distancing measures could face a fine of up to $10,000, six months of jail, or both.

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Feature Image: SPF