Scientist Found Asteroid Heading Towards Earth That Looks Like It’s Wearing a Mask

I have good and bad news for you.

The good news is that this has almost nothing to do with the Covid-19 pandemic.

Reader: Wow, that is good news. Maybe this means that things are getting bett-

But the bad news is that a giant asteroid is heading towards Earth.

Reader: You know, you should really start with the bad news next time.

I do apologise, dear reader. Would it help if I said the asteroid looked like it was wearing a mask?

Reader: …


Scientist Found Asteroid Heading Towards Earth That Looks Like It’s Wearing a Mask

An asteroid is hurtling close to the Earth, but even it is afraid of the coronavirus.

The space rock, known as 1998 OR2, was classified as a “potentially hazardous” asteroid.

There’s no need to worry, however, because it is nearly 4 million miles away and is not projected to impact Earth.

It was only classified as a “potentially hazardous” asteroid because it is more than 500 feet in diameter and closer than 4,650,000 miles to Earth.

But there’s something a little special about this particular asteroid. Can you spot it?

Image: Arecibo Observatory/NASA/NSF

Yes, it looks like it’s wearing a mask.

Image: Arecibo Observatory

Captured by the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, the asteroid looks like it’s taking the coronavirus seriously, as it’s wearing a mask like everyone else.

It may be taking social distancing a little too seriously, however, being nearly 4 million miles away.

Image: Giphy

But it’s obviously because we’re in the midst of a pandemic that we see the resemblance at all.

“The small-scale topographic features such as hills and ridges on one end of asteroid 1998 OR2 are fascinating scientifically,” Anne Virkki, head of planetary radar at Arecibo Observatory, said in a statement.

“But since we are all thinking about COVID-19 these features make it look like 1998 OR2 remembered to wear a mask.”

Will Be Closer to Earth in 2079

Virkki said that though the asteroid won’t pose a threat to Earth anytime soon, it is important to “understand the characteristics of these types of objects to improve impact-risk mitigation technologies”.

According to USA Today, the asteroid, which is about 1 mile in diameter, has been travelling at nearly 20,000 mph since its discovery in 1998.

We’re safe now, but in 2079, when the circuit breaker finally ends (hopefully), the asteroid “will pass Earth about 3.5 times closer than it will this year”, said Flaviane Venditti, a researcher at the observatory.

So, for now, you don’t have to worry about anything. Except for the whole Covid-19 taking over the world thing, of course.

Nearly 3 Million Infections Worldwide

There are now nearly 3 million coronavirus infections worldwide and-

Reader: You said this article has nothing to do with Covid-19.

I said almost nothing.

Reader: You sneaky bastard.

As I was saying, there are now nearly 3 million coronavirus infections worldwide and over 207,000 people have died.

Singapore reported 799 new infections today, 14 of whom are Singaporeans or Singapore PRs.

Many countries are starting to ease lockdown restrictions as their coronavirus numbers start to slow.

Hopefully, the circuit breaker in Singapore and lockdowns in other countries start to slow down the virus too, with encouraging signs that the tough measures are already working.

For now, let’s thank our lucky stars that we don’t have to worry about being demolished by an asteroid while we’re already worried about a deadly disease.