Audi Driver Just Asked for $1 Compensation After Rider’s Fault in Minor Accident; Even Showed Concern for Rider


Last Updated on 2020-07-13 , 9:30 am

2020 has been blessed with bad news, so having a feel-good story is necessary to ensure that we don’t have a mental breakdown.

Reader Bao: But eh, in the WhatsApp screenshot, it appears that the driver is the one who screenshot leh. Like that it seems like—

Just read the story to feel good lah.

Reader Bao: Goody Feed has lost its way.

Audi Driver Allegedly Just Asked for $1 Compensation After Rider’s Fault; Even Showed Concern for Rider

In a post by Facebook Page Beh Chia Lor – Singapore Road, it’s revealed that an Audi driver has only requested for a $1 compensation after a motorcycle rider hit his or her car.

Here’s the video that shows what happened:

And here’s the caption:

Heartwarming story. Car and motorcycle get into minor accident at zebra crossing when rider crashes into back of car. Driver helped tend to rider’s (who is a healthcare student) injury. Both driver and rider checked up on each other after accident through chat messages, and driver decided to only ask for $1 from rider to settle damages. Even if we get involved in an accident, we can still be gracious, understanding, and caring to each other.

The Audi had stopped at a zebra crossing and a motorbike wasn’t able to stop in time. It sideswiped the car, and the rider appeared to have fallen from the accident, too.

The aftermath image doesn’t seem to show much damage to both vehicles:

Image: YouTube (Beh Chia Lor)

But it’s the conversation after that’s made this such a feel-good story.

Now, before we move on, here’s what’ll happen if it’s a BMW driver.

Reader Bao: How can you stereotype all BMW—

Basically, if the biker refuses to admit that it’s his or her fault and it ended up into a disrupt instead, the driver can claim from the biker through his insurance company, so everything will be settled by both vehicles’ insurance companies.

But because the damage doesn’t seem serious, they can do what is known as a private settlement, whereby they settle on the compensation among themselves privately without their insurance companies’ involvement. This will save on the trouble and time to make a claim, and also, their premiums won’t be affected when they renew their policy because no one knows an accident has taken place.


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It appears that they did a private settlement, and usually, whoever is at fault would have to pay for everything.

I’d like to blame this fellow for not dismounting when crossing the zebra crossing while cycling, but he probably was gone by the time the Audi driver got out of his or her car.

Image: YouTube (Beh Chia Lor)

So the blame lies in the biker, which is why from here, you can see that he or she has offered to pay for everything.

Image: YouTube (Beh Chia Lor)

But the Audi driver shows what graciousness is by focusing on the rider’s injuries…

Image: YouTube (Beh Chia Lor)

…and eventually just ask for a $1 compensation.


Most people online praise the driver for showing us that good-hearted people do exist:

Oh, sorry. Copypasta the wrong comment. Here are the comments that’ll show you that the world is made up of roses and Pikachus:

This might make you feel good, but unfortunately, because our goal is always to entertain and also inform, we’ve to educate you on something: private settlement shouldn’t be done that way.

The Audi driver is a saint, but not all driver does that. Many like to have roti pratas.


Private Settlement: Put Everything in Black & White

If you’re a driver or rider, make sure you’ve downloaded and printed this form, and leave it in your vehicle. If not, at least make sure you have a pen and paper with you to pen an agreement on the fly.

In an event you need to do a private settlement, you should fill up that form to show that both parties have agreed on the amount.

Horror stories of how drivers, after getting the money from the other party, making another claim with their insurance companies are plentiful.

When that happens, the person will get your money and the repair cost will be borne by the insurance company. You can’t mount a defence if you don’t have a piece of black-and-white evidence.

Here’s an article that tells you what to do in an event of a minor accident.


Read it carefully because not all drivers are Audi drivers asking for a $1 compensation.

I don’t know about you lah, but this sounds like it could mark the beginning of a $1 love story. And since you’re here, why not watch a Singapore love story set in the 90s that’ll convince you that waiting for tomorrow is a grave mistake? Try watching it without crying: