Bad news, ladies: That crave for sweet food during period would cause you to…

Last Updated on 2016-06-16 , 8:58 am

That messy time of the month when you feel like it’s the zombie apocalypse, the world war and melting of ice caps all in one. Well to cut it short, it’s basically the end of your life, until it ends and then you are revived, and killed again when Mother Nature comes knocking. Periods basically bring out the worst in us.


So as we lose lots of blood down there, our blood levels change and we find ourselves craving lots of sugary foods. You know, cakes…


Candies and chocolates…


This is just what you need…


These sugary foods just look so good when you’re on your period. BUT! There are side effects of eating foods with too much sugar content.

Gives you more wrinkles 
WRINKLES. You read that right. Eating food with high sugar content doesn’t only make you gain weight, it gives you more wrinkles and makes you age faster. Eating sugar on your period will cause your skin cells to stiffen and more prone to damage. This means that the more sugar you consume on your period, the more wrinkles you will get, and the faster you age. Who ever knew that? No more touching those donuts and chocolates when I am on my period then! Of course, you can consume those snacks, just limit your consumption!

Makes you more moody
While you may think that consuming sugar helps to balance your blood levels, it actually causes more imbalance. So, consuming more sugar while on your period may mean greater tantrums, more crying and screaming and thoughts of killing your boyfriend. Guys, you might want to get your girl some low-fat yogurt instead of her favourite Krispy Kreme donuts.

Makes you more tired
Consuming sugar-rich foods help to give you more energy for a short period of time, but afterwards, you feel super tired and weak and sleepy. It isn’t the right source of sugar that you need – it makes you feel worse at work and at home.

Healthy yogurt and fruit salads, here I come!

Top Image: Radharani /