Bell Helicopter Sees ‘Air Taxi’ Service Taking Off in S’pore But Netizens Disagree

The world is getting more advanced by the minute. In 10 years time, the scenes you see on the street could’ve been completely different.

Remember the sci-fi shows you used to watch?


Think taxis, except in the air. And completely driverless (vehicles with drivers are so yesterday).

Image: Imgflip

This could become a reality in 7 years time in Singapore. Sort of.

Bell Helicopter Thinking Of Setting Up Taxi Company in S’pore

According to a report on 19 Sep, Bell Helicopter, an American company, sees potential in Singapore becoming a market for their helicopter taxis.

Their latest helicopter, the Bell 505, and their most lightweight and manoeuvrable chopper to date was pretty well-received in Asia.

And here’s something interesting: Indonesia already has an air taxi service, Helicity, going on in its capital and the surrounding regions.

All you have to do is to book your taxi through an app like Grab, and you’ll receive an email telling you the pickup point.

Bell Helicopter is looking to develop their own taxi service by 2025. And they’re looking to launch it in Singapore.

Bell Helicopter Confident That Service Will Take Off in S’pore

While the traffic situation in Singapore isn’t as bad as Jakarta’s or Bangkok’s, Bell Helicopter Asia general manager Chris Schaefer believes there’s a demand for the service here.

Some possible routes include the airport, hotels and hospitals. And he even went one step further and said MRT stations could be the next locations to go for as the service expands.

Imagine getting stuck at Clementi MRT station because the train broke down for seven hours.

The roads are packed, Grab prices astronomical and shuttle buses are filled. Take out your phone and call for VR Ma- Sorry, I mean a helicopter.

And it’ll swoop in to pick you up like a damsel in distress.

But of course, it’s highly likely that the prices for the helicopters are going to be pretty crazy as well if it operates like Grab.

Because while Mr Schaefer promises that the fares will not only be for the rich:

“It’s still early days, but we’re looking at price points similar to what you’d see for a Grab limo service or a Grab elite service – those premium services on the ride-sharing apps that you’d be familiar with today.”

The calls for the service during a breakdown is going to be crazy.

But Bell Helicopter Admits There Will Be Difficulties

Singapore is a safe country. And it’s because of regulations and our government’s strict enforcement of said regulations that made it this way.

And that’s going to be difficult for any company hoping to offer any groundbreaking service in Singapore.

Mr Schaefer admitted that their service could have difficulty starting in Singapore due to the highly-regulated airspace.

I mean, imagine seeing helicopters atop you every time you’re out. It’s going to be messy.

But he hopes to work with the government to come up with a system that satisfies both parties.

Given how Airbnb is still trying to work with the government to make it legal to offer short-term home rental services in Singapore, Bell Helicopter is in for a tough time.

Netizens’ Reactions

There are some who thinks that the service will crash and burn

While one person couldn’t stop talking about Singapore’s obsession with ERP

Grab Premium isn’t cheap.

But at least there’s one who thinks the service, if it takes off, is going to be successful.

But hey, for those who couldn’t afford a helicopter ride previously, this could be a chance to experience it for yourself at least once in your life, eh?

And for those trying to take their helicopter licenses in advanced because new jobs, don’t. The company is also looking at making their helicopter-taxis driverless.

What do you think? Take off or just crash and burn.

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