Woman Got Hit by Cyclist Riding at High Speed After Opening Condo Gate


As a general rule of thumb, pedestrians and cyclists should be mutually considerate to each other on shared footpaths.

Cyclists should resist the urge to cycle at high speeds on such footpaths, lest it ends up in a collision, and pedestrians should keep their eyes and ears out for cyclists, while sticking to one side of the road.

For Ms Sally Ng, she was unfortunately met with a hard and fast collision with a speeding bicycle, which rammed straight into her left side.

The Crash Course

On 21 March, Ms Ng just walked through her condominium’s side gate and onto the footpath when she was abruptly knocked down by a cyclist.

While I’m not a physics expert, nor do I know how to convert frame per second to metres per second, it’s still possible to time how quickly the bicycle enters the view of the condominium’s surveillance camera range before it collides with Ms Ng, which proves to be a painful estimate of how fast the cyclist might have been going. 

Because the span of time it took for the bicycle to enter the view and hit Ms Ng averaged around 0.208 seconds, give or take a few. 

And while it’s difficult to ascertain the width of the gates—they tend to vary on a condo-by-condo basis and Ms Ng didn’t reveal where she lived—but the left gate looks like a standard sized one, so it’s probably 3m or 4m long.

Given that, you can roughly surmise just how fast the cyclist was going.

The Extent of Ms Ng’s Injuries

After taking the brunt of the collision, Ms Ng was thrown to the ground on her sides.

From her own account, she described that the impact was so great that she blacked out for a few seconds, and her pain was so immense, it was nearly impossible for her to move.

The cyclist helped her up but he didn’t offer any apologies.

Allegedly, he even claimed that the incident was her fault for not giving way to him, which in Ms Ng’s mind, was “rude and arrogant”.

I don’t blame her, this is almost akin to a hit-and-run, except smaller and more minor. 

In shock and shivering from the pain, Ms Ng had to call the ambulance for herself.

The whole time, she couldn’t move her neck and she felt nauseous for the whole journey.


When she reached the hospital, the doctors ascertained that she had a neck sprain, head injury, hip bruises, and skin abrasions.

Image: facebook.com

She was given five days of medical leave, but those days of recovery were wrought with pain as she couldn’t lay or sit down comfortably for extended periods of time.

Two days after the accident, she had to visit the Punggol Polyclinic because her shoulder was still swelling and bruised.

Worse, it has left her with slight psychological trauma, and she now lives in stress and fear of cyclists.

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Seeking Witnesses for the Accident

Hence, Ms Ng is appealing for more evidence and witnesses to lodge a more substantial report against the cyclist.


Oddly enough, there used to be CCTV cameras under the sheltered walkway, but they were removed for unspecified reasons. Thankfully, Ms Ng managed to get her hands on the condominium’s surveillance footage.

She shared the information with the Ang Mo Kio police, who called her on 24 March and told her to schedule an appointment and give her statement, but she has yet to receive any news from them.

Ms Ng simultaneously uploaded the footage on ROADS.sg on 10 April, in hopes that witnesses can step forward to help her with the case.

Plus, according to the Land Transport Authority, cyclists should be giving way to pedestrians, not the other way round, and they should slow down their travelling speed.

Honestly, the cyclist deserves a stern warning at least for his fast cycling, and Ms Ng should have exercised some caution and checked her left and right for incoming bicycles.

Regardless, the accident has already taken place, the injuries are on the mend, and Ms Ng desires for the cyclist to be brought to justice for the damages caused.


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