Big Box is Now Officially an Empty Big Box As The Mall is Up For Sale

If you don’t stay in the West, chances are you’ve only been to Big Box once or twice, or have never even set foot in the mall.

In fact, some people probably have never heard of it at all.

If you’ve been to Big Box, you would understand why you hardly reach out to the mall; if you don’t know of it, here’s a quick breakdown to Big Box.

Largest Warehouse Retail Mall

Image: Tang Yan Song /

Once upon a time when the future seemed bright, Big Box was birthed as the largest warehouse retail mall in Singapore.

In theory, there were plans as huge as the mall itself (and it’s really big). Think about having a one-stop place for cheap clothes, furniture, food and electronics. The place even has a section dedicated for people to wind down and recharge.

Sounds like heaven, right?

Plus, everything’s about boxes. So cute!


In reality, it’s not so great.

Imagine having to walk through JEM to get to Big Box — JEM, with its Cathay Cineplex, Foot Locker and Courts. Won’t you get tempted to explore JEM instead, even though you were supposed to make a beeline to Big Box?

Source: Gifer

Now, imagine Westgate right beside JEM — Westgate, with its Sephora, REMAX and Tokyu Hands. I bet you’d be tempted to walk around Westgate after shopping your fill at JEM, even though you really should get to Big Box.


Then imagine remembering that IMM is just a stone’s throw away from the malls — IMM, our largest outlet mall. Tell me you won’t get tempted by the savings on Nike, Adidas and Fila, even though Big Box is in the other direction altogether.

Source: Tumblr

And Now, Here’s Big Box’s Current State

An empty big box.

Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sale)

What used to be a supermarket is now a big box.

Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sale)

Spaces previously teeming with unsold goods are now big boxes.

Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sale)

And more big boxes for big cats to stay in.

Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sale)

According to Straits Times, an expression of interest (EOI) was conducted for Big Box by the “receivers and managers of Big Box Pte, Ltd”.

In other words, the mall is getting ready to be sold.

The Painful Truth

Big Box has its merits, but the reality hurts. With a cluster of far more popular malls within its vicinity, hardly anyone will entertain the idea of Big Box — no matter how big and diverse it is.

Being the warehouse mall that Big Box is, the general idea is to buy in bulk.

Source: The Singapore Guide

But even then, the prices are not far off from each other. And who has space in their flat nowadays to store extras? After all, we already have our fair share of stocking up.

And not to mention that NTUC Warehouse Club, a warehouse mall as well, is just a few MRT stations away.

Big Box is now really officially closed, even though it was in the process of doing so all the way back in early 2018 — which means it is a barren land perfect for a zombie film.

I would mourn for its closure by commemorating Big Box, but the tragic truth is that there isn’t much to commemorate at all.

So while waiting to find out what is in store for this plot of land, maybe we can create our own Train To Busan?

Or if you’re looking to play Catching again, this would be a perfect big box for you to immerse in your childhood while exercising at the same time.