We Might Be Able to See a Blood Moon from S’pore on 8 Nov

Someone forgot to give the moon the memo that Halloween is in October, not November.

But if you missed out on celebrating Halloween or feeling a little extra quirky, then maybe this is a great opportunity for you to dress up and have a little spooky photoshoot session.

My recommendation: a werewolf costume.

Everything About the Blood Moon Happening on 8 Nov

The Blood Moon, or more accurately, the Total Lunar Eclipse, will be taking place on the evening of 8 November.

The celestial phenomenon occurs when the moon enters the umbra, or inner region, of the Earth’s shadow. Here, the moon’s surface receives lesser than the usual amount of sunlight that travels through Earth’s atmosphere and is weakly illuminated.

Generally, blue and violets have shorter wavelengths than red and orange and scatter more readily than hues with longer wavelengths. During a lunar eclipse, the moon appears orange or reddish because longer wavelengths penetrate Earth’s atmosphere while shorter wavelengths have scattered away.

The moon will appear redder during an eclipse if there is more dust or cloud cover in Earth’s atmosphere.

Image: Chris Harwood/ Shuttershock.com

Unlike previous lunar eclipses, the one happening soon might be more challenging than usual.

The eclipse will begin as a Penumbral Eclipse at 4.02pm (SGT) and slowly transition to a Partial Eclipse at 5.09pm. The Full Eclipse only occurs at 6.16pm, but it will not be visible to the naked eye as the Moon will only rise at 6.46pm.

Even then, the Moon will appear dark as it rises to an altitude (~30°) at 9 pm.

The Full Eclipse phase is expected to conclude at 7.41pm. Then, at 8.49pm, the Partial eclipse phase ends, followed by the Penumbral Ecsplie phase at 9.56pm.

Catching a Good View of the Moon

If catching the right timing for moon viewing sounds hard enough, the Science Centre Singapore announced that they will not be holding a viewing event to observe this lunar eclipse.

Instead, they recommend interested viewers to try their luck by heading somewhere with a clear view of the “Eastern Horizon” (someplace opposite where the Sun sets).

Do make sure to choose a location free from obstructions like buildings or trees, preferably one that is elevated, and arrive there no later than 7 pm.

If you are a noob and don’t know where the sweet viewing spots are in Singapore, fret not.

For those living in the west, West Coast Park is the place to go catch this phenomenon in action. There is even a Mcdonald’s located within the park, perfect for supper moments.

East-side dwellers can consider heading down to Changi Broadwalk. The location provides a breathtaking view of Singapore’s coastline and is a fair distance from the city centre’s dazzling lights.

Over at the north, the Yishun Dam is an excellent location for moon-viewing, despite the fact that it may be a little remote and challenging to get to. But the area makes it so worth it since it’s fairly calm and great for conversations with friends in peace.

For a sweeter viewing experience, do remember to bring a pair of binoculars so that you can truly witness the moon in all its glory.

If you’re going through a heartbreak right now, I recommend you come down and pretend you’re in your Carrie villain era

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Featured Image: Chris Harwood/ Shuttershock.com