BMW Owner Left Dog in Car for At Least 20 Mins in Raffles City Carpark


There’s a reason why dogs are named a man’s best friend. They’re loyal to you and will follow you anywhere, even if you’ve just scolded them for doing something wrong.

Many of us would love to bring our dogs anywhere with us, but that isn’t always allowed seeing as to how many public areas don’t really allow you to have your dog with you. As a result, many owners simply bring their dogs to the park or just leave them at home.

Sadly, this isn’t the case for one particularly owner who was spotted leaving their dog in their car for at least 20 minutes at Raffles City Carpark.

Dog Left Jumping Around & Barking In BMW

Two ladies were at the multi-storey carpark of Raffles City on 7 December when they happened to hear the barks of a dog. When they tried to find the source of the barks, they noticed that a dog was left inside a parked BMW with the window slightly wound down.

Image: Stomp

The dog was clearly uncomfortable and was jumping around in the car, probably looking for its owner.

One of them decided to inform the concierge while the other stayed behind and took a video of the dog.

Image: Stomp

She apparently waited for about 20 minutes but the owner didn’t return. She isn’t sure exactly how long it was left like that, but it was clear that it was definitely more than 20 minutes.

The concierge later sent security down to check on the situation, but the two ladies are unsure what happened afterwards because they left.

SPCA Warns Against Leaving Dogs In Cars

First of all, why would anyone do such a thing to their dog?

Image: Giphy

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) previously posted an advisory notice on their website targeted at owners who leave their dogs in their cars.

Image: SPCA

They included information about how the temperature of the inside of a car is usually much higher than the surrounding temperatures. Dogs that can only cool themselves down by panting or by sweating through their paw pads will not be able to endure the heat in a stationary car.

Just because you leave a small gap in the window doesn’t help them to feel any better. In fact, due to their smaller bodies, it becomes increasingly easy for them to sustain brain damage or even die from heatstroke. All of these can happen within 15 minutes.

The fact that this dog was left in the car for more than 20 minutes is already enough to tell you that the dog was probably suffering a lot.

Are you really a dog lover if you allow your dog to be subjected to this kind of torture? If you’re intending to run errands or to shop, why do you have to bring your dog along and let them suffer in the heat in a car?

SPCA also advised the public to stay on the scene and try to notify the owner if they spot any animals trapped in a stationary car. If they are unable to contact the owner, they should take down the car’s colour, model, license plate number, as well as a photo or a video of the animal in the car. They should then contact SPCA at 62875355.

Hopefully the dog is fine and the irresponsible owner learns from this lesson. It cannot be guaranteed that the next time they do this, they will still be able to return to a dog that is alive.


You may watch the video of the dog here.

So please, owners, do your pets a favour and never leave them in a stationary car.