Now and then, we have to remind people not to be stupid.
So we’re bringing back the two ‘how to spread Wuhan’ teens.
Or in case you’ve already forgotten who they are since you don’t need reminders on why you shouldn’t do dumb shit, here’s a recap:
- On February 2020, a video showing a teen drinking bottled juice from NTUC before placing it back on the shelf with the caption “how to spread Wuhan” went viral
- Nigel Pang Yew Ming is the one shown drinking. Quek Xuan Zhi is the one filming. Both are 17.
- They apologised and said they already paid for the drinks
- But adults don’t play play, so NTUC didn’t accept the apology and the SPF started looking for them
- On April 2020, they went to court. The judge declined the request to protect their identity. But everybody already knew who they were.
Now, back to the present. You’ll need to be reminded that Quek (filmer) had a lawyer representing him, while Pang (drinker) didn’t.
Pang became a mummy’s boy and his mother is beside him in court.
We’re not even sure why this case took so long when it seems obvious that the teens filmed the video then uploaded it for the views, but let’s play along shall we?
What defence can they possibly come up with?
Didn’t Know ‘how to spread Wuhan’ Will Be Captions
“I wish to add that actually I didn’t know that the caption ‘how to spread Wuhan’ was being uploaded to the video, because that wasn’t my intention of the video,” said Pang.
Ah. That makes your intention of drinking the juice and putting it back very clear indeed. Maybe he really wanted to know if the drink tastes goody.
So while he consented to the video being uploaded, he did not agree to the captions.
“I really did not know that the caption ‘how to spread Wuhan’ was being added until it went viral, then I realised it was being added.”
His mother told him to “just say the truth”.
Did his mother just imply that Pang is lying by saying that? Oof.
But The Prosecution Ain’t Taking It
And the whole time the prosecution, on hearing that, was like:
Because Pang had given a statement indicating that he knew that Quek would caption the video “how to spread the Wuhan virus”.
Pang objected, and insisted he really didn’t know. Quek usually asked him about captions but did not this time.
Essentially, Pang seems to be throwing more of the blame towards Quek… somehow?
The prosecutor proceeded and said he wanted to wait for a probation suitability report before deciding on whether to seek probation.
But Pang objected again, asking to continue with the sentencing and said, “I’m really stressed with the whole thing.”
Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m stressed about the drinks I buy at NTUC now as well.
But the judge couldn’t accept the plea.
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Pang was given some time to speak to his mother, with Pang maintaining that he didn’t know or consent to the caption.
Then adjourned for Pang to get a lawyer.
As for Quek? Oh yeah, his case is in June. And he’s got a lawyer, so don’t play play.
Public nuisance has a maximum jail term of three months, a fine of up to S$2,000 or both.
Does The ‘Wuhan’ Caption Even Matter…?
FYI, even if the captions weren’t there, it’s not really that much better. In Texas, a woman who licked ice cream and put it back could face up to 20 years in jail.
Another Texan had been jailed for 30 days, given a S$1,000 fine, and a six-month suspended sentence with 100 hours of community service AND pay US$1,565 to the ice-cream company.
That’s the land of freedom, America, where guns are a thing. If anything, Americans think Singapore is like a jail. Not that you can really tell when it’s 20 years compared to three months for the same crime huh?
And oh, that was before the coronavirus.
So yeah, Pang, if you’re reading this: weak defence.
And suffice to say, you’ve just lost a friend.
We’ve once done a video that aptly sums up this entire incident (do subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos!):
Here’s a simplified summary of the South Korea martial law that even a 5-year-old would understand:
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