Boy Leaned on Sink & It Suddenly Broke, Causing Serious Injury


Have a habit of leaning on your toilet sink when checking yourself out in the mirror?

Well, you might want to avoid doing that any more.

According to Taiwan Apple Daily, a 10-year-old boy in Tainan caused a sink to break when he pressed hard on it…

And the resultant ceramic pieces and sharp edges ended up severing eight of his vascular nerves.

Image: Taiwan Apple Daily
Image: Tenor

Boy Leaned on Sink & It Suddenly Broke, Causing Serious Injury

A while back, a 10-year-old boy in Tainan suffered goosebump-inducing injuries when he pressed hard on a toilet sink and caused it to broke.

Image: UDN

As a result of the broken sink, the ceramic pieces and sharp edges ended up severely injuring the boy, identified by his surname Wang.

In fact, the consequences were so dire that he was lying in a pool of blood when his parents found him, and he was quickly sent to the hospital.

Image: Taiwan Apple Daily

Once there, it was determined that the nerves, arteries, muscles and veins in the boy’s hands and feet were sliced to ribbons, and a team of medical staff was tasked thereafter to save his life.

A gruelling four-hour operation then commenced, and as nerve-wracking as it was, the results eventually came out:

They managed to repair his body.

Image: Taiwan Apple Daily

Apparently, eight of the boy’s vascular nerves have been severed, and there were lacerations all over his body due to the sharp ceramic bits in question.

Image: Taiwan Apple Daily

Wang had to be hospitalised for a week.

Also, as multiple nerves were compromised in the accident, Wang was required to go through physiotherapy to make sure that he could use his limbs properly.

Sadly, as he’s still in the midst of growing, the injuries could serve to affect him in the future, and perhaps even affect the function of his hands.

Image: Taiwan Apple Daily


According to reports, the doctor has issued a warning to other parents, stating that such wounds caused by ceramic and glass breaking are very serious.

In addition, he also urges parents not to purchase floating sinks with zero support at the bottom, as young children have the tendency to lean on the sink when using it.


Also, should any cracks appear, the sink should be replaced immediately. 

Now, I might not be a huge fan of doctors, and I do carry an apple with me everywhere I go. But even so, I’ve no doubt that this doctor’s warnings should be heeded.

Unless you want a loved one to go through what the aforementioned poor boy had to endure, of course.

And so with that in mind, our sincere hopes that the boy will make a speedy recovery.

And we wish that there will be no implications for him in the future, despite everything.
