Britain’s Fattest Cat Given Crash Diet Because She Became Too Big To Clean Herself

Amidst all the problems in the world – death, disease, and natural disasters – there is one problem that is slowly devastating our planet.

Pet obesity.


Millions of pets are suffering from what veterinarians are calling the “fk dis lyfe” epidemic.

Years ago, owners played fetch with their pets because they left their bedrooms more than once a day. Now, with the advent of smartphones and streaming services like Netflix, our human butts have become heavier and less mobile.

And sadly, our pets have followed suit.

Instead of working or going to school like they used to, cats and dogs are now choosing to lay at home all day eating and staring at the television as if they understand what the hell is going on.

And if you think I’m exaggerating the severity of this epidemic, just look at this fat ass cat below.

Britain’s Fattest Cat Given Crash Diet Because She Became Too Big To Clean Herself

One cat in Britain has been dubbed ‘Britain’s Fattest Cat’ after it had to be given a crash diet by staff at a rescue centre.

At 9.5 kg, four-year-old Paisley weighs twice the weight of a healthy cat and had to be given to a rescue home when her owner couldn’t cope anymore.

And if you have a look at this chubby feline, you can see why.

Image: Caters News Agency

Staff at rescue centre astonished 

According to the Mirror, when Paisley was handed over to staff at the Cats Protection’s National Cat Adoption Centre in West Sussex, they were shocked at how fat she was.

One staff member, Tania Marsh, said, “When I saw Paisley I thought ‘oh my goodness’. It took my breath away. She’s the fattest cat I’ve ever seen.

“I’ve been with Cats Protection for 13 years and we get some cats on the larger side sometimes but nothing of this extent.”

The little fatty was so big that they even had to help her clean herself.

Image: Caters News Agency

Have you ever seen cats clean themselves? It’s not exactly a Triathalon, is it? They merely have to move their heads around and lick parts of their body. If Paisley was too fat to do even that, then that’s a level of obesity that I’ve never seen before.

Overfed by owner

It’s not really Paisely’s fault that she put on so much weight, though. It’s not like she was sneaking M&Ms at 3am while watching binging Catdog. 

Staff believed she was overfed by her previous owner, and with her poor diet and lack of exericse, her weight shot up.

Image: Caters News Agency

“Paisley was loved with food if you like. She was a mainly indoor cat and didn’t go outside that much so there was a lack of opportunity for exercise,” Tania said.

Could develop diabetes

Paisley’s condition is so bad that she could develop diabetes in the future.

Reader: Wait… cats can get diabetes? 

I didn’t know this either, and it turns out that if they do get diabetes, it can even lead to severe depression. 


They can indeed. This is why it’s important to feed your cat a healthy diet because obesity can lead to many health complications.

“There are so many health risks that are coming her way because of her weight such as diabetes and heart problems”, Tania said.

Found a new home

Thankfully, the plump feline has been adopted and will be moving to her new home soon.

She’ll start a vet-prescribed diet there and has already lost one pound.

Image: Giphy

So, when she goes to her new home, she’ll have to maintain the diet, and that means no treats.

Image: Giphy

Tania said, “The cat food is specially formulated to have less calories and it allows them to feel fuller for longer so they don’t feel hungry all the time.

“Regular checks with the vet will also be needed, we need to make sure she doesn’t lose weight too quickly otherwise she could develop a fatty liver.”

We hope Paisley will be able to change her lifestyle and become the hot cat she always wanted to be.