Burglar Fell Asleep in the House He Broke in & Was Confused Even As He Was Caught

What do you do when you’ve had a late night, and the thick coffee you’ve been chugging nor the multiple slaps to the face you’ve been subjecting yourself to just couldn’t get rid of that heavy feeling of drowsiness for you today?

Well, you try to get a quick shuteye whichever way you can… preferably when your boss is not looking.

This happened to be the case for a 22-year-old burglar in Thailand, who thought he would just grab a quick nap in the middle of a burglary… of a police officer’s home no less.

Sleeping on the Job Has Never Been So Costly

Apparently, this was how things went down.

The burglar, who was identified by the Thai police as Mr Athit Kin Khun Thud, a local villager, was scouring the residential area in the Phetchabun Province for a house to rob at around 2am on 22 March.

He spotted a house and managed to break into it by entering through the bedroom window.

Once in, an overwhelming sense of drowsiness suddenly overcame him.

He thought he would just turn on the air-conditioning and grab a quick nap before proceeding to empty the house of its valuables.

However, his plan went to bust all because – and I’m sure many 20-somethings (or even 30-somethings) could relate to this- he overslept.

When morning came around, the homeowner who was apparently at home at that time, woke up and noticed that his daughter’s bedroom air conditioner was on.

He knows for a fact that his daughter is not home.

So, he peeked through the window to check the room and saw a stranger sleeping in his daughter’s bed.

Yelling, the homeowner startled the burglar, and the burglar woke up looking puzzled and drowsy, obviously having no clue why some random guy is shouting at him when he’s sleeping.

Sleep inertia at its best, indeed.

As you might expect, the guy ended up being charged with trespassing and burglary.

Oh, and the fact that the homeowner happens to be a police officer is just the perfect red cherry on top of this hilariously-funny cake.

Well, for Mr Athit at least, getting caught sleeping on a job has never been so costly, that’s for sure.

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