Canadian Man Solves 30-Year-Old Mystery Of His Own Disappearance

Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction.

This next story sounds like a plot for the next TV mystery series on Netflix, but it actually happened.

A Canadian man who disappeared 30 years ago has been found after he solved the mystery of his own disappearance.

The man is set to be reunited with his family after three decades of pain and uncertainty.

So, what exactly happened?

Went missing at 21

The man, Edgar Latulip, was 21 years old when he went missing from a home for disabled people in Ontario province.

Latulip was deemed to be “developmentally delayed” and had “mental health challenges”.

The last time his mother had seen him was when Latulip was recovering from a suicide attempt in the hospital.

The 21-year-old left his group home in Ontario and boarded a bus headed for Niagara Falls without his medication. This combined with the fact that Niagra Falls was a “common suicide site” led many to Latulip may have committed suicide.

But what actually happened was that he sustained a head injury and subsequently lost his memory.

Built a new life

At this point, Latulip had no idea who he was. He didn’t remember his own name and was unaware of the fact that he was listed as a missing person in another town.

So, he built a new life; he assumed a new identity and settled in Saint Catharines, Ontario, a city just 130 kilometres from his hometown.

But 30 years later, a shocking revelation would hit 50-year-old Latulip.

Started having flashbacks

Police say Latulip started having flashbacks last month and remembered his real name: Edgar Latulip.

He told a social worker, who checked the name Latulip and discovered that he was a missing person.

A DNA test later confirmed Latulip’s suspicions.

Reunited with his family

As you can imagine, the police and his community are stunned.

“I’ve been a police officer for 18 years and this is something I’ve seen on TV but never been a part of,” Niagara Regional Police Constable Philip Gavin told the Star.

Latulip’s mother was overwhelmed with happiness, after fearing her son had been killed.

“When Edgar disappeared, I became quite sick. I had to take a leave of absence from work. I was near a nervous breakdown.”

Now, according to Constable Gavin, Latulip’s mother is “excited, happy, overjoyed”.

“After 30 years of not knowing where her son is — knowing that he’s alive, she’s pretty excited about that”, he added.

The Missing Child Network also said it was “incredible news”, adding “Edgar’s recovery is the reason why we never give up hope!”

As for the formerly-missing man himself, he’s taking it one step at a time.

“It’s a pretty huge thing to find out you’re someone else,” Constable Gavin told The Washington Post, “so I think he’s taking it slow.”

With all the murders, suicides, and molest cases in the news lately, it’s nice to read a story with a happy ending.

I’m just waiting for Netflix’s adaptation of this incredible tale: Latulip: A 30-Year-Old Mystery