CCTV Catches Man Who Walked Off With Lady’s Handbag at Geylang Road Coffee Shop

Yesterday (26 Dec) was a good day. Not because it’s gonna be the new year soon. Not because the gym session was particularly tantalising.

But because I managed to catch the latest blockbuster flick to hit Netflix stores: Bird Box.

Image: Variety

For those unaware, Bird Box centres around a world that fell to an ominous evil, a shapeless dark ‘wind cloud’ that preys on victims by manifesting in the form of their worst fears. Once victims have seen it, they’re inclined to subject themselves to forms of self-mutilation, with the end goal being death itself.

Image: Film Goblin

And indeed, the movie was everything as creepy and tense as its synopsis implies. It even got me thinking: “Now that would be pretty darn ****ed up to live in.”

Thank goodness we live in a city whose main attraction is that of a merlion drooling 24/7. Singapore Boleh!

Yet, even so, living in a world where you’re pretty much blind or die does not compare to this one I just read today:

A man walked off with a lady’s handbag, in the process stealing almost all of her valuables.

No, not my Harry Potter EZ-Link card!!!

What happened?

For those wondering, the incident had occurred on 22 December, at a coffee shop along Geylang Road.

According to Stomp, a 22-year-old part-time student had been having lunch with a friend at around 1:30 p.m. Her black handbag had been on a chair beside, because why not.

Fast forward twenty minutes, however, and she and her friend were about to leave the place. A quick check and the news came out:

The bag was missing.


Thereafter, a police report was filed at 3:30 p.m. on the day of the incident. The bag had contained her IC, bank cards as well as $10 cash.

(Oh, no Harry Potter EZ-link card)


After investigations, CCTV footage from Alwadi’s management showed how a man, who seemed to be conversing on his mobile phone, had retrieved the bag from its chair and walked off with it.

Man loiters behind woman and walks off with her bag at Geylang Road coffee shop

Man loiters behind woman and walks off with her bag at Geylang Road coffee shop

Posted by Stomp on Sunday, 23 December 2018

The 25-second clip has also led concerned Netizens to call for the culprit’s arrest.

Image: Stomp Facebook Page

Although some have also speculated that it might be a case of mistaken identity.

Image: Stomp Facebook Page

Though as it turns out…

Singapore’s not really the kind-hearted country everyone perceives it to be.

According to Stomp, the police confirmed the report of a theft at 3:30 p.m. on the day of the incident, and have since arrested a 59-year-old man in relation to the case.

Investigations are ongoing.

So people…

In this article’s ‘Goody Moral Of The Story Segment’, we have the classic saying our parents constantly preach:

“Watch your stuff la.”

And indeed, Singapore might be a relatively safe place, but do not let that misguide you from the notion that there are people around with less than positive intentions. So always be on the lookout for your belongings, and remember:

Better safe than sorry.

And on that note, I shall watch where I put my wallet next time, cos geezus I’ve misplaced it so many times… wait, where is it? Omg oh shit wtf shit shet did someone take it I always knew that guy opposite our office had ill intentions it’s his eyes they’re too bright and good-looking I always knew-

“It’s here dumbass,” my colleague Dream called from her table. “You left it here after lunch for some reason, remember?”



Don’t be like me. If not for Dream, I’m pretty sure my boss, whom I trust for life and would take a bullet for him, would have stolen my wallet. He’s greedy like that.