Ceiling Fan at Tampines Coffeeshop Dropped on Diners; 2 People Sent to Hospital

An unexpected incident which occurred yesterday, 28 October, at a coffeeshop shook diners who were present at the scene.

The coffeeshop is located at Block 201 Tampines Street 21.

An extra-large fan had fallen off from the ceiling at around 7pm, hitting dinners who were seated at the table beneath it.

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) was alerted at 7.10pm to the incident.

2 people were sent to Changi General Hospital to treat their injuries.

Fan’s Blades Were Bent

A diner who was present at the scene shared some photos of the incident on social media.

Image: Facebook (Ang Bee Tin)
Image: Facebook (Ang Bee Tin)

The giant fan’s blades were bent at an angle and drooping down from the ceiling.

According to some eyewitnesses, the large fan had hit a ladder and subsequently sprung out of control.

An image of a man who had a head injury was also shared on Facebook.

Image: Facebook (Singapore Our Home)

Most of the stalls continued to remain in operation after the incident happened.

Investigations are currently ongoing.

Similar Incidents

Similar incidents of large objects falling from a high place had occurred before, with the most recent case at NEX’s shopping mall’s Shaw Theatres.

The incident took place on 30 August 2020 at around 5pm. While moviegoers were watching the movie, Tenet, a ventilation duct collapsed from the ceiling.

The collapse resulted in two moviegoers to be injured.

The theatre was subsequently closed for investigations to be conducted. All Shaw cinemas across Singapore were also being inspected as a precautionary measure.

Based on preliminary investigations, the collapse of the ventilation duct is most likely due to an accumulation of water overloading the supporting brackets.

A significant amount of water had accumulated in the layer of acoustic material surrounding the air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation (ACMV) duct.

As a result, the water could have overloaded the brackets that were supporting the ACMV duct, causing them to give way.

The investigation for this incident is still ongoing and it’s expected to be completed by the end of this month.

Earlier this year in February 2020, a piece of concrete slab weighing around 10kg broke off from a toilet’s ceiling.

Image: Alan Fu

The incident occurred at a flat located at Toa Payoh. A foreign domestic helper was about to clean the toilet when the concrete slab fell.

The helper then called her employer to inform him about the incident. The Housing Development Board (HDB) was subsequently notified about the case.

No one was found to be injured.

After further investigations, it was found that the spalling concrete was largely caused by carbonation, which is a natural deterioration process.

This causes the steel bars embedded in the ceiling slab to corrode, which in turn causes the concrete cover to crack and bulge.

It is an issue commonly found in older buildings.

The family then received help from the HDB to fix the ceiling.