Everything About Cheang Peng Wah, The Only Independent Candidate Who Uses a Horse Logo

With news of Shirwin Eu and Ooi Boon Ewe being disqualified from running in the general election yet again, you might think that candidates from the 11 political parties are the only ones contesting.

If these two can’t make it after years of trying, who can, right?

Well, Cheang Peng Wah, that’s who.

Everything About Cheang Peng Wah, The Only Independent Candidate in GE2020

Meet Cheang Peng Wah, the only independent candidate in GE2020.

Image: Facebook (Cheang Peng Wah)

Cheang will be contesting in Pioneer SMC, in a three-cornered fight against the People’s Action Party’s (PAP) Patrick Tay and Lim Cher Hong from the Progress Singapore Party (PSP).

Cheang is a former Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) engineer.

Horse Logo

What sets Cheang apart, aside from his independent candidature, is his logo, which features a horse.

Image: ELD

PAP chose a lightning bolt, and the Worker’s Party chose a hammer, so why did Cheang choose a horse?

Well, according to TODAYonline, candidates can only choose a logo from a list presented to them by the Elections Department Singapore at the nomination centre.

Here are the approved symbols:

Image: ELD

So, you can see why Cheang chose a horse. Because what the heck are you supposed to do with a fan?

Sure, you could say “vote for me if you’re a fan of my policies” while winking, but that joke will wear off after its third use.

And no one, and I mean no one, is going to vote a political party that has a freaking chicken as a logo.

Unlike the other parties, we don’t talk cock!

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Cheang said he chose a horse because it was a “befitting logo”.

“[It] represents how hard I will work for the residents of Pioneer SMC if elected”.

He also has a rather unconventional choice of candidacy colours – a monochrome black-and-white colour scheme – which was chosen to distinguish himself from the other political parties, reported TODAYonline.

“Our attire also mirrors that of the Japanese Cabinet, and symbolises qualities of the Japanese that I admire such as courtesy, excellence and social harmony,” he said.

Team of 14 Friends and Relatives

When Cheang went door to door in the electoral division of Pioneer SMC to promote his  campaign, most residents did not recognise him and his team.

But they soon warmed up to Cheang and told them some of their concerns.

Election agent Gay Kiat Lam and volunteer Arulanandan Shankar helped Cheang distribute flyers to residents on Wednesday (1 July).

Gay, who’s known Cheang for 30 years, said he supports Cheang’s candidacy because he is “a good and passionate person who would make a good leader”.

Even though Cheang only has a team of 14 friends and relatives, he says he expects to spend at least $30,000, which includes the election deposit of $13,500.

The election deposit will not be returned if candidates do not get at least 12.5% of the vote.

Where You Can See Him

In addition to engaging with voters through live streams on Facebook, Cheang will appear on TV for the constituency political broadcasts, where he will speak for three minutes.

These broadcasts will air on Mediacorp’s Channel 5 from 3 July to 8 July at 7pm each day.

Only time will tell if the residents in Pioneer SMC will take to the political workhorse.

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