There’ll Be More Checks on F&B Outlets for Safe-Distancing Measures During & After Festive Period


The F&B industry has been smacked so hard by the Covid-19 pandemic that it’s still getting back on its feet.

The most challenging period came during the circuit breaker, when dining out was not permitted.

Since then, F&B businesses have been allowed to reopen, but with a host of safe distancing measures in place.

While most have been following the new rules, others have served alcohol in teapots.

More often than not, these errant establishments are caught and punished severely.

If you’re planning to bend the rules a little during the festive period, you should know that Big Brother will be watching you very closely.

There’ll Be More Checks on F&B Outlets for Safe-Distancing Measures During & After Festive Period

The authorities will be conducting more checks on F&B establishments over the festive period to ensure they are complying with safe management measures, reported ST.

According to the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment (MSE), the increased surveillance will be carried out over the next few weeks.

The concern for authorities is that residents will disregard safe distancing rules in the haze of their merriment while dining out with friends and family.

Social Gatherings Still Limited to 5 Participants For Christmas

You might have come across several articles announcing the country’s upcoming shift to Phase 3 this month and assumed it would happen before Christmas.


Phase 3 will only commence on 28 December, meaning residents will still have to adhere to the 5-person limit for social gatherings on Christmas.

And even if your friends and family go out in two separate groups of five and sit at different tables, you’ll still be penalised as that’s not permitted either.

For this reason, F&B outlets are not allowed to accept bookings from groups larger than five, even if they are seated on separate tables.

Intermingling is also prohibited, of course.

Your best bet for a Christmas gathering would be to have one at home, as each household is allowed five visitors at at any one time.


No Alcohol After 10.30pm

Many eateries have already been penalised by the authorities for breaching safe management measures, either incurring a fine or having to suspend operations.

One such establishment, S-Tripes Hotpot, a restaurant in Havelock Road, not only sold alcohol after 10.30pm but even served the alcoholic beverages into teapots and empty green tea bottles to avoid detection.

The employees were also not wearing masks or wearing them improperly, despite being reminded of the requirement.

The restaurant was fined $2,000 for the offences.

The MSE has reminded the public and F&B establishments that alcohol should not be served or consumed at F&B premises past 10.30pm.


“Errant operators and individuals will face fines, temporary closure, and prosecution to the full extent of the law,” the ministry said.

So, if you want to drink until you forget about all the troubles of 2020, do it at home.

It’s cheaper and more convenient, anyway.

Featured Image: kandl stock /