Child Gets Run Over By Car At Depot Road; Dashed Across The Road Without Looking

A shocking video making the rounds on the internet shows a small child dashing across the road without looking left or right.

He then almost instantly gets knocked down by a car.

The video was posted by District Singapore.

The incident allegedly occurred at Depot Walk which is located in between Sri Ruthra Kaliamman Temple and Qi Tian Tian Temple.

A family had exited one of the temples, and one of the kids, a boy in white, ran ahead of them and across the road.

Image: Facebook (District Roads)

The lady immediately chased after him, but could not catch up in time to stop him from crossing the road.

Image: Facebook (District Roads)

She can be seen walking briskly after him to try to stop him. It is possible that the first car nearest to them had blocked the view and prevented the child from seeing the oncoming vehicle.

Image: Facebook (District Roads)

Everything happened within seconds and a few steps after the little boy crossed the road, a red car briskly drove by and knocked him over.

Image: Facebook (District Roads)

The lady can be seen screaming in horror after he gets knocked down by the car.

Image: Facebook (District Roads)

The car continued driving even after knocking the child down. Perhaps the driver didn’t realise he had hit a child, presumably because he was too short.

Either way, the driver doesn’t stop and the child goes underneath the vehicle. One of the child’s shoe can be seen lying on the side of the road and may have been dislodged during the incident.

Image: Facebook (District Singapore)

The lady then dashes to him and picks him up as the other lady and child looks on. It is unclear whether he is hurt, but the boy can be seen trying to get up on his own.

Netizens’ Sentiments

Personally, I think that both the family and driver aren’t to blame for this incident. The child dashed off on his own and it can definitely be hard to always ensure that your child isn’t running off.

A split second is all it takes for something like this to happen. The driver also probably could not see the child.

It is also unclear if he stopped after the incident to help as the video cuts off shortly after.

Image: Facebook (District Singapore)

A Facebook user also shared the same sentiments that the kid was “too short” and that the red car was unaware. However, he offers some advice on what should’ve happened instead.

Image: Facebook (District Singapore)

Another netizen thought that the girl that can be heard screaming in the video was scarier than the accident.

Hopefully, the child is unharmed and will learn to cross the road more carefully.