China Couple Who Strangely Lied to MOH & Even Negotiated with Judge Changed Lawyer & Will Go for Trial

This article is just a short update on the couple Mr Hu Jun, 38, and Ms Shi Sha’s, 36, case: they have discharged their lawyer and a trial date is now set.

Hu and Shi, both Chinese nationals, were among the first few to be charged for COVID-19 related offences, with just under 100 confirmed COVID-19 cases at the time, compared to the current more than 42,000.

They were charged with obstructing COVID-19 containment work, under the Infectious Diseases Act.

Previously, the lawyer Chung Ting Fai represented them and had negotiated for a fine with no jail time.

But Mr Chung, talking to CNA, said he has been discharged. Meaning, he is no longer handling their case. The reason why is not given, but he says another law firm is taking up the case.

They are set to go on trial on 17 Aug 2020.

You can probably tell that this case will be long before it’s finally concluded, as it seems like money isn’t an issue for them, and it was already dragged so long.

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Catch no ball what I’m talking about? Here’s a recap:

Recap: Lied To Health Officers And Disregarded Quarantine Orders

Undoubtedly, COVID-19 has left couples all around the world feeling like the tragic heroes and heroines of a love story.

Their physical meetings shunned by society and met with disgust, causing separated lovers to face depression and solitude.

In the case of our 2020 Romeo and Juliet, Mr Hu Jun and Ms Shi Sha, their story is a similar one to that Shakespeare classic. Except, there’s just a touch of COVID-19.

Although that little bit of COVID-19 should have changed the genre from “Romance” to “Apocalyptic”, our ‘main heroes’, both Chinese nationals, didn’t seem to get the memo.

Last I checked, Romeo and Juliet’s forbidden meeting didn’t result in a virus potentially spreading.

On 22 Jan 2020, Mr Hu Jun arrived in Singapore. He later tested positive for COVID-19 on 31 Jan. He then gave false information to a health officer about his whereabouts from 22 Jan to 29 Jan.

Ms Shi Sha was issued a quarantine order on 1 Feb because her husband was a positive case.

But as Murphy’s law states, anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Ms Shi Sha then left their home and went to a hotel without telling anyone about it.

And then lied about the place she stayed in and the location she took a taxi on the way to the Singapore General Hospital.

Which left our authorities little choice but to accuse them of obstructing COVID-19 containment work, charging them under the Infectious Diseases Act.

Mr Hu Jun has recovered from the infection and was allowed to leave the hospital on 19 Feb 2020.

He faces one charge of obstructing contact tracing, while his wife faces three charges of obstructing health officials’ work and another separate charge of failing to comply with isolation condition

If convicted, this is up to six months’ jail, a maximum of S$10,000 fine or both, per charge.

The Chinese couple was okay to pleading guilty, but with a condition: they don’t go to jail and only given a fine.

If the prosecution calls for jail time, then they will not plead guilty.

And that’s it for the recap. You should catch all ball about what I was talking about at the first part of the article now.

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